Chp 1

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I looked around. Nothing.


I started quickening my pace to the glass doors, glancing over my shoulder a few times.

Step. Step. Step.

Fuck, you're a man for Christ's sake Michael. Man up.
I turned around at the speed of which I swear, could almost match a Beyblade, took a step foward, closed my eyes and yelled, "I HAVE A GUN!!"

I did not in fact have a gun.


I stood in place, waiting for anything, anything at all to happen.
Quite frankly, I was saying prayers to the lord right about now.

Nothing. Nothing at all.

My shoulders sagged a little with relief, and just as I was beginning to open my eyes, I caught a flash of a purple-blueish mask.

"BOO!!", Came from a loud, boisterous voice in front of me.

I screamed. No, not screamed....Yelp is probably the correct word.

A laugh. A fucking laugh. and I cursed myself for finding it attractive.

"Hey, Man calm down", They said through laughs, holding one hand on there stomach and another over their mouth. "Jesus dude. Almost pissed yourself or somethin'?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the familiar face. The guy was a co-worker of mine, one who I couldn't deny, had a really attractive face.

"I was JUST about to leave and maybe decide to watch Golden Girls on the TV, and you pull this shit?", I say, clearly not wanting to deal with this right now, but my little heart is pounding, probably running 200 beats per second, screaming "Invite them Invite them!" I shake my head inwardly and have a little battle inside my head against my heart.

"Sorry man, can't leave yet. Running low on employees, so boss said we gotta stay back to clean the mess the kids made t'day", They said, laughter mostly subsiding and their face in a more serious and calm way than it was before.

Even if I did really wanna spend some time with my secret-not so secret crush I had on my friend? co-worker? comrade..? I really don't wanna spend anymore time cleaning up some kids throw up or a baby's shit. Pretty romantic first date, huh?

I shook my head at the thought, and sighed. "What do you wanna clean first."


Awkward was an understatement. Not trying to say I expected to have a full on make-out session around one of these tables(I definitely wanted to), but I definitely didn't expect to be mopping the germs off the floor in silence. Did I just make things awkward by snapping at them earlier?? Fuck. I glanced over and seen my co-worker staring at me with kind of an empty, blank stare with their eyebrows furrowed, before realizing I caught them and looked away quickly. Oh shit. They totally don't like me now. Thanks Mike. Always fucking relationships up with a few words.

I bent over the table to reach a 'Happy Birthday!' sign that fell down. I grunted out of frustration at myself, and how stupidly large this table is and how I keep having to stretch myself further to reach the sign.

I grabbed hold of the H of the sign, and grabbed it with so much rage and started to lift it up towards me, quietly muttering "Got you, little fucker."

Then I saw a shadow covering my vision. And then I felt two warm hands wrapped around my waist with legs behind mine.
The hands were warm, and were layed on my waist softly, almost afraid to put any more pressure.

I knew who it was. I knew from the way the hands looked, the hands I've studied looking at, stealing glances every few minutes, until they came up to me with a little smile, greeting me. The clothes on the legs basically glued to mine. The uniform. But I had to make sure it was them and that I wasn't gonna be woken up by a loud beeping, repeating the days before today and repeating today tomorrow.

So the first thing I did was look back. And look back I did, because I nearly exhaled and let out a little whimper.

The second thing I did, was pinch myself. Twice, actually. And this time I really did exhale and let out a whimper.

"Hey, you know I've had a crush on you for like the longest. Right? There's no way you didn't know.", They said. And I really only made out three words in the whole entire sentence.

Crush on you.

It was all I needed to hear, and the thoughts I was having at that moment all subsided. My mind, really was, blank. And then I turned my head, tilted my neck a little and I kissed. I kissed with every emotion I had been feeling up to that point, trying to convey every single thing I had been feeling for some person who I've been working with for months now. Except there not just 'some person' they're my person. I kissed feverishly, worried that this is a limited time only thing.

Hands lifted off my waist, and I felt someone back up. I pulled back a little and worried that I read the situation wrong, that they were just playing with me. But that didn't last 'cause hands came back onto me, one on the back of my neck, ushering me foward, and the other on my hip, this time gripping me as if I would leave soon, as if I would turn to dust right there, and I'd just be another peice of trash they'd have to scoop up in that room.

We pulled away, breath heavy, and both of our heartbeats slamming against our chests, screaming victory. And we screamed too.

After catching our breath, we looked at eachother and laughed a little bit before falling into silence again. Not comfortable silence nor awkward silence.

But just silence.

And it was nice.


shit fic since my friend started writing one too. this is cringe plz

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