SIYE : Inlove

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Sorry for the late update. 😄

"W-why did you kiss me?!" Taehyun pushes the brunette.

Beomgyu smiles and pats the flustered boy,

"Hmm, just take the kiss as my cheer for you." He (Beomgyu) chuckles


"Yeah. And let me take you home, it's dangerous for you to walk alone you know?" Beomgyu says,

"It's fine, I'm always alone." Taehyun giggles, mocking himself

"Funny, but just let me take you home. We're neighbors right?"

Taehyun sigh, "Fine!"

"Good." Beomgyu gives the young a soft smile and pats him for the second time.

For no reason, the warm and love feelings came whenever the older give him a pat or sweet talks.

Oh god, I don't wanna be inlove!

— SIYE : Inlove

"Alright, we're here tyun." Beomgyu parks the car infront of the blondes' house.

"Taehyun?" Beomgyu look at the side

Ah, he's sleeping.. adorable.

Beomgyu giggles silently, witnessing Taehyun sleeping and snoring softly gives him butterflies suddenly.

"Hey, wake up Tae." Beomgyu take off the seatbelt and tries to wake the younger,

As he was trying to wake the other, he noticed how pretty Taehyun was. So pretty.

Long eyelashes, cute and plump lips, beautiful skin, silky yet fluffy hair. So beautiful, like an angel.

God has a favorite and it's Taehyun.

Beomgyu smiles

Suddenly a knock comes from outside were heard,

It was bomin.

Beomgyu get out of the car and closes the door slowly, to make sure the sleeping boy won't flinch and wake up.

Lol, he wanna wake Taehyun but don't wanna wake him at the same time, silly Beom.

"Appa, why did you park the car here?" Bomin ask

"Taehyun is inside tho, I just take him from school. Looks like he fell asleep." Beomgyu says, checking the blonde from the car window,

"Mm, I can see that." Bomin nods
"Why don't you wake him?"

"Uh I don't think I can, how about you try." Beomgyu points the car window, earning a sigh from the son.

"Damn fine, you owe me gummies." Bomin tch-ed

"Anything for my son, Choi Bomin." Beomgyu chuckles and pats the son's head

"Ish go away, let me just wake your teen boyfriend!" Bomin removes Beomgyu hand from his head aggressively,

"He's not my boyfriend okay."

"Blah blah!"

As soon as Bomin got inside the car, he meet a beautiful pair of eyes,

Taehyun's eyes.

"U-uh I'm sorry, I fell asleep!" Taehyun blushes at his careless(??) action

Pretty boy.
Bomin thought

He never sees a pretty boy like Taehyun before, the blonde looks like an angel.

"O-oh it's fine, my dad ask me to woke you up.. But it seems like you're awake now.?" Bomin smiles softly, trying to be less awkward

"I'm really sorry! I-I'll get going now.." Taehyun bows multiple times and leave the car, leaving Bomin.

Bomin freezes.

"How can I don't know that the boy looks so pretty and cute.." Bomin blushes

"Oi~" Beomgyu knocks the window, making the younger flinch,

"Appa! You scared me, damn it." Bomin sigh

"Uu, you look flustered. What's in your mind son?" Beomgyu ask, in a teasing tone

"Nothing.." Bomin looks away

"Really? After Taehyun left the car, your expression changes.. You looks flustered." Beomgyu laughs,

"Shut up, I'm going to my friend's place. See ya." Bomin get out of the vehicle and leave his dad.

"M'kay, don't forget to buy two packs of ramyeon when you get home!" Beomgyu shouts,

"Okay!!" Bomin shouts back.

"Why is my heart beating so fast.." Bomin asks himself.

Is this love at the first sight?

— Stars In Your Eyes Chapter 6
Date : 25 February 2022

Ignore typos or any grammar errors, I'm on a rush

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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