Countless nights

18 0 0

Billies Pov:

When we got back to my house it was already dark out,
" so it's rly late do u wanna sleep here for the night?" I said looking at Y/n

" no thanks Billie, but thanks for the offer. " She said coldly

"Np.." I said with a bit of a sad tone. Y/n got out of my car and left me inside I stayed in my car for an hour till I saw my mom standing on the porch.

Time skipped next week

Y/n's Pov:

Billie is doing some sound check with her brother Finneas while

I was checking her green room if there's something dangerous there.

An hour later Billie is now preforming she starts of with " everything I wanted " then " lost cause "

but in the middle of " happier than ever " I saw a metal pole wobbling so
I ran to Billie when the pole was about to fall,

I pushes Billie out of the way but I didn't had time to escape then suddenly everything went back and all I heard were muffled.

Billie's Pov:

I was in the middle of "happier than ever",

hyping up the crowd till I felt y/n pushed me and the next thing

I saw was y/n getting crushed by a big metal pole I dropped my mic and ran to her trying to get the metal pole off her

while screaming at my staff to get an ambulance I

was a crying mess till paramedics came and helped y/n and they put her on a stretcher

Words 268

Ooo cliffhanger~ ÙwÚ I'm so evill

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