Daft Punk in Omnicara(OLD)

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"I cannot believe it, they're actually coming HERE, to MY STUDIO to do an Interview, on MY CHANNEL" you excitedly say to you're best friend,

"Girl, who is coming?" She asked,

"Daft Punk!! You know?? These guys!" You pointed to the Random Access Memories poster on your wall,

"Ohhh those two, the two you won't shut up about" she says teasingly,

"Heyy! I'm just so excited!" You started talking louder,

"Haha I see you're excited, and just keep being excited until they arrive, so you can be cool, and mayyybe get yourself a Frenchman at you're side" she winked at you cheekly,

"OH MY GOD NOO, JUST AN INTERVIEW VICKY!! JUST. AN. INTERVIEW!" You say slightly embarrassed.

After a few hours of preparing for their arrival, Vicky had left after wishing you luck, and by you're excitement, you heard a knock at the door, they're here.

After you heard the knock you scrambled for the door trying not to make to much noise, you opened the door, and there stood the two tall French men, as the robots,

'How nice, they came in costume' you thought,

"Hey! You sure are early" you greeted them both then opened the door for them to come inside,

"Better early than late, or never" the taller silver robot joked, you chuckled,

"Oh, before the interview, I understand it was quite the travel, so can I get you any drink? Or something to eat?" You ask humbly,

"Thank you, but I ate before we came, Guy?"

"I'm okay too, thank you" the shorter robot talks shyly,

"Well, I guess we can start it then!" You lead them to you're office where the equipment was, you sat down and the two sat on either side of you.

You pressed record on the camera and began, "Hello people! Welcome to 'In My Office?! Interviews!' today, I have some guests just as special as the last, Thomas Bangalter and.. Guy Manual de Homen Christo!"

You turned to Thomas, "that pronunciation was correct right?"

"Absolutely, on point!" He replies,

"Yes! Now these questions are not mine, they are all fan-submited, now first question; are you going to tour again soon?"

"That's ehh, possible, but not guarantee, we- we think about this sometime, and i- in possible future, we could tour again" Thomas answers, you found his stuttering quite cute,

"I'm sure everyone is happy about that! Next question; do you two ever have fights? Like not small arguments, I mean big fights" you await another answer,

"Errmmm, not- not really big fights, of course we argue sometime but that's all part of being friends, we make up after a- a short while" the silver robot stuttered through another sentence,

You smiled, "Is there a certain thing you both like to do? Apart from music, like a collaborative hobby?"

"Ehhh, not- not that I recall, sometime we have movie nights, or uh- video game nights and sometime dinner together, but no real 'c- collaborative hobby', as you say"

A few more questions along, came a question for Guy-Man, he had said nothing for the past few minutes,

"Ah! Guy this question, is for you; I was wondering if Guy has a favorite place to be?" You turned to Guy, he was very still,

"Guy-Man? Are you okay?" You poked him,

"Is he sleeping??" You ask Thomas, he sighed,

"I think he's sleeping" the shiney robot says disappointed, he nugded Guy to wake him up, Guy woke up with a jolt,

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