Short Story

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After the world became, there was life but Death did not come to end it, and there were animals and plants and there was the sun and its companions, the moon and the stars, that worked tirelessly to provide light for the people. 

When the moon realized she must disappear and rest once a month, she gave the people fire to keep the light. Now there was always light in the world, in all the places except one: the hearts of the people. All the people had the light, but it began to sputter and flicker in some hearts.

 One by one they went out, turned to ice and stone. Sometimes the ice melts or the stone cracks and a spark is born. Now that is rare. But back to the beginning.

When the creator saw this They created a weapon, greater than everything They had ever created. They called her Death. 

She slept, and around her, there was fog, and a certain kind of mystery, the kind that can never be solved. 

But beyond her, the people began to quarrel and there was a stir among a great many, as a single person wished to lead all the people. This was a new idea, new and unheard of.

Before all the people had simply respected each other, and kept the peace. Now there was talk of a great war among all the people, and when the fighting started to break out, there was chaos.

Now Death stirred from her sleep, but the only thing that could fully wake her was the full extent of human greed. 

Now, she was in a place in between sleep and waking, the Dreamtime. She began to see things, that showed her the world. 

There was a small child, running through the streets, crying for her parents, as bombs went off around her. She tripped and fell, and dropped the teddy bear she was clutching onto a dead soldier. She didn't pick it up, just kept running. 

She saw other soldiers creeping through the bloody streets, shooting at anything that moved, killing a small dog trying to flee from the chaos. 

She saw family members kneeling by lost children. She saw her purpose. She woke. From a true dream, into a living nightmare. 

That night, in the dark for the first time in a while, she tried to help. She stole out into the streets and eased the pain and the passing of the victims of war. Then she went back to her dark hiding place, leaving the first gravestone.

In the morning, when the people woke, they were terrified. They had never witnessed Death and had no idea what it was. When their friends and family, working animals and household pets, could not breathe or have a heartbeat, or blink an eyelid, they thought that they had done this. It was the first survivor's guilt. 

They were horrified by the idea that life could end, that it could all just stop before you even had a chance to truly live. The peace from this lasted longer than ever before, and Death slept once again. In this sleep, the immortality of the people lasted.

But human minds are fickle, and as the story of Death passed down through the generations, only the old grandmothers and grandfathers truly believed in it. This was how the second war came around, but it was worse. New weapons had been developed and there were more people in the armies. 

The Creator finally saw the chaos erupting on earth, and cast a curse on death. She could no longer sleep. She had to take the dead and lay them at peace every day. The one person she could not lay at rest was herself.

That was the way that our Creator died, taken by Death. If you think about it, that's how everyone dies. They are killed by Death. 

Now, wars still tear at the edges of the world, and blood still spills. Death did not teach the people, she only made them afraid. 

It was not her purpose. But she could not end it all. What she never understood, the question that never got answered, is why? Why the people were afraid? Why when the time came, some of them did not want to go, those would struggle, and couldn't lie peacefully. They were tormented or wracked by the guilt of not finishing their life. No one accepted that death was a fact of life, and that could never end. 

Sometimes, if you look closely, you can see the outline of a woman, in the dark, behind your eyelids, made of light.

Ok done! It's sort of terrible. This is the only part i will post because this is the whole story. Sorry. Goodbye nuggets.

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