Prologue 1

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'Tip,' the elderly man smirked at me and stood up. 'Ummm...thanks?' I asked probably guessing what he might ask next. 'Can I get your number? I am here to visit the city and I need a guide. Can you do it?' he asked me. Eww no

'I am sorry but she has a boyfriend,' Adam said as he stood beside me, slinging one of his arms around my shoulder. 'Oh..oh! Okay I guess I'll see you next time sweetie,'he said and left the shop. 'Beware...of those customers,'Adam rolled his eyes and went to make a shot. 'And you seriously need to stop pretending to be my boyfriend,' I said as I rolled mine.

'Excuse me girl? I saved you right now. If the manager was here, he would have forced you to go with him. And, I'm gay,' he said and blew me a kiss. 'Remind me why you work here again?' he asked as he handed the customer her shot. 'I am not some soon-to-be queen of some place. I need to work to pay my rent. And mostly, it's not my fault that my parents are dead,' I sassed.

'Last customer, out. Now we'll close up,' he said as we both heaved a sigh of relief. Another day don--

'Hey,' a guy said as he came in with a few other people. 'Hey?' I stared at them in confusion. The store already said closed--- Adam?!?! He did not even put up the closed sign. Ughhh god, a few other customers. Goodness.

'What would you like?' I asked, showing my best fake smile as much as possible. 'Your number,' a guy said as the rest snickered. 'How about my foot?' I said as I clenched my teeth. 'That wouldn't be bad either,' he chuckled this time. 'I can't-- Adam! Please take their order. I am going to supply room,' I spoke a little too loud I guess.

'I am sorry if we set off on the wrong foot. I am Bangchan and the guy you offered your feet to is Hyunjin. Hey get up...introduce yourself,' a cute guy with dimples said as he stepped on the other guy's foot who groaned in response. 'Hi! Sorry, it's a habit of mine. Girls actually like that....not all I guess,' that Hyunjin guy said and smiled.

'Its okay, whatever. What would you all like?' I asked as I looked at the group of four boys. 'Four vodkas please,' Bangchan looked at me and smiled. Oh how cute his smile wa-- Pull yourself together Cho!

'Coming right up,' i said trying to act enthusiastic. But it failed of course. The boys began chattering among themselves about some trip or something. Stupid. Their one big laugh caused the building to shake I swear. Or maybe I exaggerated a little bit.

'Please come again,' I said trying to keep my eyes open from the sleep which was about to come. 'Bye...your name is?' Bangchan looked at me and smiled again. Oh don't smile like that. 'Cho. My name is Cho,' I introduced myself and shook his hand. 'Cho. Nice name. It means beautiful..just like you,' he took my hand and bowed, as if we were in a castle or something. Good one Bangchan.

'Hyung, you coming?' one of the boys yelled which caused the older to look behind and nod at them. 'You wouldn't give Hyunjin your number so I figured you wouldn't give me too. So...I left mine. Give me a call sometime tomorrow. I am afraid I will be super busy after that but...let's see if fate decides to bring us together again,' he said and smiled at me before leaving.

'That guy was so hot,' Adam exclaimed as soon as I entered the shop again. 'Yeah okay,' I laughed. 'Girlfriend...he gave you his number. Oooh,' Adam started teasing he always does. 'Wait, where where?' I panicked as he pointed at the table. The table had a piece of paper where it read, 'Come thy choseth...if you held me closeth. I have a weird habit of writing poetic lines. My number *number*.'

Poetic. How nice.

'Are you going to call him?' Adam asked me, his eyebrows raised. 'Of course not. I just met him. He can be a murderer for all I know,' I sarcastically said as I laughed to myself. Yeah it wasnt funny.

I tossed and turned on my bed. Should I call him? He has manners and all. He also spoke to me really nicely today. I think I should just--- no I'll think about it.

'Hello?' I called the number the next day in the morning itself. 'Hello? Who is this?' the voice on the other line spoke. 'I guess you remember me. Cho?' I asked, my heart beating rapidly for no reason whatsoever. 'Of course. How could I forget you? I really did not think you would call. You are a tough girl is all what I can say,' he laughed on the other line.

'So why did you ask me to call you today?' I asked as I fidgeted with my fingers. 'Umm, the thing and my friends are here on a vacation. So I wanted to-- we wanted to ask you if you can show us around. Just for today,' he nervously chuckled on the other line as I smiled to myself. 'Let me see. If Adam can take care of the bar today, I'll text you,' I said as i cut the call.

'Of course girlfriend. You finally got a date after so long,' Adam chuckled as soon as I called him. 'He is not a date. I am just showing them around,' I said on my behalf. 'Oh really? Anyway, I dont want to argue with you. Dont forget to show them the beach. They say wonders happen there,' he said again as I rolled my eyes. He is back at it. 'Yeah whoever said that is really dumb.'

Adam said that he can manage. I can show you all around. Tell me the time.

Sent: 11:10
Seen: 11:45

So sorry I couldn't reply. My friends are so annoying. Thank you so much though. Text me your address, I will pick you up at 7.

P.S= we are not dangerous

Sent: 11:46
Seen: 11:29

Oh it's okay. I'll just meet you in front of the bar.

P.S= I am not sure if you are dangerous 🙂

Sent: 11:29
Seen: 11:30

No it's okay. I'll pick you up in front of the bar. Thank you again.

P.S= Those who you don't trust in the beginning are the ones you end up trusting the most.

Sent: 11:31

Is he this poetic always?

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