Chapter 8: Last-name Basis

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It's something she hadn't previously seen as a big deal. Calling someone their last name, was fairly common considering she lived in England.

However, having Fred calling her by her last name simply because he was refusing to say her first name, well, it hurt.

He wasn't calling her 'Granger' to get revenge or to spite her, he was calling her 'Granger' because calling her 'Hermione' felt much too right on his tongue. He did it to convince himself that he didn't need her, that having her wouldn't be much different to not having her.

He gave her the space that she asked for, but it was nearly too much space. He didn't talk to her at all by himself, they didn't spend any time alone together. If there was a chance that they would be left alone, he left the room, determined to follow or find George.

Strangely enough, Ron had seemed to be a bit less crabby and a bit more tolerable. Hermione was finally able to be with Harry and Ron without any arguments, which felt nice. Especially since going back to school would be a bit of a challenge if they were still on bad terms.

With a new start to the school year, Hermione tried her best to have a positive outlook on things. But that was proving to be slightly tough when someone you knew was trying to avoid you.

"Herm? Did you happen to see my broom?! I can't find it!" Ginny called out from the bottom of the stairs, immediately stealing Hermione from her thoughts. She took a glance about the room, surely it couldn't be too hard to find something as large as a broom, well, if it were in the room, "No, Gin, I haven't!" She called back, and the reply she received; a stomp of a foot and an overly dramatic huff.

"Maybe you should ask Harry!" Hermione called out again with a soft cheeky smile on her face.

"Wha-why can't you do that for me?!" Ginny cried back, Hermione could practically hear the girl get flustered, "Well, it's not my broom, Ginny!" The shouting was getting old but it was fun all the same, the whole house could probably hear too, including Harry, but that wasn't the point.

"It's not his broom either!" Ginny struggled for excuses so Hermione wandered onto the landing and looked down at her auburn-haired friend who was blushing a deep shade of pink.

"I bet you wished it was his broom." Hermione whispered and smirked, Ginny looked like she was about to explode from embarrassment, "Hermione, please!! Stop!" She hissed back.

"Okay okay, well maybe you should try looking for it yourself since it's your broom." Hermione folded her arms and leaned on the bannister before winking down at Ginny.

"Actually I think I saw a broom in the dining room..." A soft voice interrupted the girls, immediately recognisable as Harry's. Hermione didn't even have to hear the voice to realise who it was, she could tell by Ginny's face as intensifying blush.

"I...umm...okay...Thanks, Harry." Ginny stuttered out. Hermione couldn't help her growing smile and she only burst out laughing when Ginny stuck her tongue out at her before rushing in the direction of the dining room.

"What was all that about?" Harry asked curiously, Hermione tried her best to stifle any giggle she was about to release, "You know what, Harry? I'm not too sure." She smiled, a smile as genuine as she could without seeming sarcastic or cheeky. She knew exactly what that was all about. It was no secret of Ginny's crush on the infamous Harry Potter, well, it was a secret to Harry because he didn't even think of it.

Nope, poor Harry was too caught up with everything else in his life to be focused on a whether or not he was a girl's crush. "Everyone! It's supper time!" The sound of Molly's voice boomed from downstairs, immediately catching anyones attention. Hermione watched as Harry joined Ron and descended the stairs before turning and closing her bedroom door and following quickly behind.

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