+*The uneasy marriage*+

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 (TW: abuse,alcoholism, and suicide  please click off if you are uncomfortable with these <3)

It was a sunny day when Quackity was sitting in the shade from the cherry blossom tree. Quackity had his eyes closed and was thinking about if Schlatt was home or not since he hadn't heard a bottle be smashed or his name called out in hours. All of a sudden after he just cleared those thoughts out of his head he heard a loud scream come from inside the house. "ALEX GET IN HERE." He jumped a little knowing that Schlatt was home, he hesitantly got up and walked inside slowly knowing what lay ahead in the house. He opened the door and Schlatt was standing there with a beer bottle in hand. "Took you long enough" Schlatt said as Quackity stood there looking down knowing that something was about to happen to him. All of a sudden a hand struck his face hardly and he stood there looking down as Schlatt took another sip from his bottle and walked away.

~A few hours later~

Quackity was sitting on his bed on the phone with Karl and Sapnap. Quackity was still grieving over the loss of Wilbur who had just died a few days before. -Karl: "So how have you been holding up Quackity.?" -Quackity: "I've been fine I just still kind of miss Wilbur.." -Sapnap: Hey it'll be okay you have me and Karl!" -Quackity: "Yeah i guess so.." He sighed and then said "I've gotta go guys I have some stuff to do around the house.." -Both Karl and Sapnap: "Alright bye Quackity.." He shut off his phone, got up and went to the kitchen to get a drink and there was beer bottles all over the counters. He sighed, picked them up and put them in the bin.After he had picked up all the bottles he got a glass and put some water in it and grabbed a bag of chips then went to the living room to watch a movie. He sat down on the couch and put on a movie but he couldn't shake the thought of the message Wilbur had sent him before he had killed himself. The message had read "Dear Quackity i'm very sorry to be sending this message to you at this moment in time but the problems have become to much for me I hope you will be okay with Schlatt i'm so sorry I love you dearly -Wilbur".

Quackity had fallen asleep watching the movie and when he had awoken it was pitch black outside he got up and put the chips away, then he pulled put his phone and saw it was midnight he went to his bed and layed there until he had fallen asleep.

Note: I'm so sorry for not posting in a long time i was wrapped up with school work but since it's summer now I should be able to post more love yall<33

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