Chapter 2

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AN: Hellooo everyone i know its been really long but i've finally got motivated and it's almost summer so yay!

TWS: mention of abuse, suicide

Alex had become fed up with the growing alcoholism and abuse from his lover he couldn't take it anymore everyday when Schlatt got home he would be yelled at and hit, and everyday the thought of suicide had crept more and more into his head. He knew that if he didn't do something about the abuse it would drive him to madness one day so he finally decided to do it. He knew that this would hurt Karl and Sapnap who had been his closest friends forever but he knew they wouldn't be able to help him anymore no matter what they did. He grabbed his phone and started writing a wordy message to them saying that he was so sorry and how he will see them in the after life. He sadly set down his phone and sighed knowing that this was the end of his short lived life, he was only 22 years old and he couldn't say that he had lived a good life with everything that had happened to him. He grabbed the rope that he had laid out and looked at the time trying to estimate when his lover would be home. He quickly tied the rope knowing he didn't have much time left and stuck his head through it then stepped off the chair his last thoughts were of his friends and his ex lover Wilbur who just a few years ago had done this same thing, he hoped to himself that Sapnap and Karl would be alright as everything went black.

When he opened his eyes he looked around and noticed that he was somewhere strange it wasn't the depiction of the heaven or hell that you saw on earth. It was a train station, he got up and walked around calling out to see if there was anyone there but all he could here was the echo of his own voice. He sat down and curled up into a ball and cried he had thought that he would get to see Wilbur again but he was wrong. After a few minutes of crying he heard someone call out he perked his head up as he realized that he had heard that voice before, he instantly started to run towards the familiar voice and as soon as he saw a silloute he jumped into the arms of it and hugged it tightly causing it to stumble backwards

Q: "Wilbur i thought i would never see you again!"

W: "Hi Quackity! Wait how did you get down here.?"

Quackity started to go into detail about everything that had happened since he had commited and the entire time he had a shocked and disgusted look on his face

W: "I'm so sorry that happened to you Quackity I never should have killed myself i could have helped you through all of that"

Q: "Wilbur dont blame yourself everything happens for a reason and were not sure why but just take it as a blessing that we can finally be together again!"

W: "I guess your right it is nice to hear your voice again it's really lonely here besides for the unusual people that come in here like these two I met"

Q: "What is this place anyway?"

W: "I think its a place called Limbo i'm not sure  where it's exactly at but it's peaceful and calm here"

Q: "I guess your right but hasn't this driven you to insanity yet?"

W: "I don't think so but cmon there's a lot here i'll show you around"

He happily walks off having Quackity following him showing him every place in the limbo and every room seemed to be different one was filled with mushrooms and tress like the woods! Quackity knew that he was going to like it here now that he was with his ex lover again.

WC: 669
AN: Idk when the next chapters gonna be put so enjoy this semi long one

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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