First day at school

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Dreams Pov

I love geography.
I have always had the best interest in the world and learning about it. My dad always wanted me to study geography so i could travel the world with him. My dad has always believed i had a bright future ahead of me. My mum has too to be honest.
We was learning about earth and its layer which has always been an interest of mine.

I sit next to my friend Sapnap. I have known him since we were really young. He has always been the one person that has stuck by my side throughout everything. We normally go to eachothers houses after school and play the guitar and write songs.

Personally i dont think i am the best singer, although Sapnap says i am talented.

My next class was Maths.
I sit next to a girl named Alissa. She was a really popular girl in my year and she always wore alot of makeup. Dont get me wrong, she was beautiful, but i wasnt attracted to her. I never really have had an attraction to a girl, idk why though.

She was the girlfriend of a boy that was also popular. I cant really remember his name though.

However today she came in and sat next to me as usual. She was 15 minutes late and had mascara marks all down her cheeks. I asked her if she was ok and she said that her boyfriend hadn't messaged her in 4 days and he hadn't come to school and she was getting worried.

I didnt really know what to say because i didnt know much about her boyfriend, so i just told her that i was sure that he is fine.

Break eventually came and i met up with Sapnap.

"Dude you will never guess what just happened!" he shouted.

"oh god this is never a good thing"

I was scared lowkey because whenever Sapnap has something to tell me its never good. We normally just talk about what lessons we have and whos house we are going to after school.

"I just got invited to a party, theres going to be drinking and tones of girls!" He looked so happy saying this.

Sapnap had never drank in his life.

"Sapnap, you have never gotten drunk in your life! What are you thinking?! You have never kissed a girl!"

"Yes but it will be fun, and i want you to come with me!" He said glaring at me.

My heart sunk. He looked so excited. I really would love to go to a party. But what would my parents think? Me? Drunk? I have never been drunk. He looked so happy i felt bad.


Instant regret hit me as that word left my mouth. Me? Sneaking out? What if i get caught? I would be such a disappointment! We have school tomorrow! What if i get a really bad hangover?!


"thats the bell i will cya later"

And with that we parted out ways. I set off down to biology class whilst he went the other way.

It went by so slow. I didnt pay attention to the class at all. I was too busy thinking about this party.

At lunch i sat with Sapnap and we talked about the party. It started at 11PM and ended at 4AM. I normally go to bed at half past 11.

After school we said goodbye and i walked home.

"Im home!" I shouted as i walked through the door to be greeted by my mum and dad at the kitchen counter talking about work.

"Hello sweetie! How was your day at school?" Asked my mum.

"It was good i had geography, maths and biology!"

"How are you doing at school anyway, like with your grades and everything?" My dad asked.

"All A's as always!"

"Thats my boy" my dad said embracing me into a hug.

"DREAM! DREAM! DREAM!" I could hear from the top of the stairs and footsteps coming down rapidly.

"Drista!" I shouted hugging her tightly.

Drista is my sister, i havent seen her in 3 days because of sleepovers at her friends houses and i missed her very much.

"Can you play minecraft with me?" She begged my puppy eyes.

"Ofc i will!"

She smiled then took my hand and dragged me into the living room. We both loaded it up and started to play. It was fun playing minecraft with her because she sometimes doesnt know what to do and she dies constantly and then starts screaming when she has no weapons to defend herself.

After playing with her for about 2 hours i went downstairs for dinner. We were having pasta and me, mum, dad and Drista all sat round the table.

The party then entered my mind again. I had planned out my way to sneak out while eating.

"Is everything alright Dream, your a little quiet?" my mum asked sounding slightly concerned.

"Yes everything is ok i am just a little tired i might go upstairs to my room"

"Thats ok honey" she said.

i went up to my room and instantly called Sapnap. As soon as the word 'connecting..' came up next to his name i instantly started asking questions.

"Sapnap hi whatever, what time are you going to be at my house?"

"Umm hi and idk about 10:50?" he replied.

"Holy shit dude i am so scared"

"Dont be i will be with u all the time we are there" he said to me.

I never thought about how i could literally get lost in the house full of people. What if i lose Sapnap and he gets hurt. Or i get hurt?!

I cant be having these thoughts when i am not even there yet.

I got in the shower and washed my hair. I got changed into a collard shirt with a green sweater on top. I paired it with my simple blue jeans and some white airforces.

*knock knock*

"goodnight Dream i love you" whispered my mum and dad from the other side of the door.

"Goodnight i love you too"

It was now 10:45PM. I had 5 minutes until Sapnap was going to be here. I was really scared and then my phone pinged.

Text from SAPNAP
Yo dude im here
                                               I'll be out ina sec

I grabbed my phone and climbed out of the window onto the roof of my garage which is right next to my room but on the ground floor. I climbed down the ladder on the back of the garage which my dad had set up a couple of week ago to work on the roof.

Sapnap was waiting in his car for me. I climbed in quietly to were it was parked round the back of my house on the grass so noone would see us.

"Yo you made it" Sapnap said fist bumping me and started the car up.

"Only just" i laughed wondering if anyone had heard me but by the looks of the house having all the lights still off, he was certain he had made it out.

Sapnap reversed out off the grass and onto the road with the sattnav open in front of us directing out way to the party.

The sound of music was getting louder and louder as we approach a street with a house at the end full with flashing coloured light coming from every window. The nerves started to kick in so i decided to tell myself:
"Its a party, parties are always fun"


A/N - this was the first chapter my lovelys! I hope your enjoying it so far and will want to carry on reading i love yall sm 💖 words - 1292

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