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“before i begin, please do listen to the playlist i made just for this special two shots! it'll take you on a magical journey you'll never forget!” - bae

[playlist link in the comment]


"I like you, sunbae"

Taehyun looks at the girl in front of him handing out her nametag. It is a common in South Korea that giving your nametag to someone you have a crush on is asking them out on a date with you. Taehyun raises one of his eyebrows, staring at her with suspicion in his eyes. What was her name again? On Joo? Yon Joo? The purple-haired male's gaze fell on her nametag. Ah, Oh Yoon Joo.

"I don't"

He bluntly says, walking pass by Yoon Joo who was embarrassed. Not having any of Taehyun's words, she grabs the male's hand making him turn his head around looking at her with a scowl. Yoon Joo's breath hitches.

"C- can't you give me a chance, sunbae? Plea- please?"

The purple-haired male sighs in frustration. He's not having any of this at the moment. He just want to go to his class and read webtoon there since it's recess time. He looks around and other students are watching them, some muttering to themselves and some are just bystanders. Taehyun hates this. He like attention, but not this kind of attention. The one where people are digging holes with their eyes into your head. The one that makes your anxiety risen up.

Just then, his friends arrived beside him. The pink-haired male ruffles Taehyun's hair whilst giggling, the brunette just stands behind them and the blondnette wraps his arm around Taehyun's shoulder.

"Please! Kang Taehyun sunbaenim, just this once!"

She says, rising her voice. The newcomers look at Yoon Joo who seems desperately wanting to date their friend.

"Yah, just accept her will you? I feel bad for her"

The pink-haired male says. Taehyun glares at him, making the other instantly shut up. Then Taehyun's attention drifted back to the girl in front of them.

"Don't make me repeat the same thing again, Yoon Joo-ssi. Just go to your class and leave me alone. I don't like being in a relationship, I don't even want to fall in love"

He says, yanking his hand away before walking to his class leaving his friends speechless. The brunette shakes his head.

"He's so stubborn"

The blondnette says. The same pink-haired hottie nods his head agreeing. Taehyun really is stubborn, thick-headed bitc- ahem. Walking their friend walks away, the three just sigh. While on the other hand, Taehyun takes out his phone opening webtoon and starts his usual routine during recess ; eat in the cafeteria then read webtoon.

Taehyun had always liked reading webtoons, especially the boys love genre ones. He's always seen with his phone stuck to his face, reading webtoon everywhere and anytime he wants to. It's like reading webtoons is his only way to escape the world and reality. Afterall, he's just a lonely adolescent who needs love from the people around him ; family, friends and his own relatives. It may sounds childlish but he's grateful even by just a little attention he received.

For examples, saying a word of affirmation telling him he did a good job in doing something or giving him attention while he's talking excitedly about the thing he loves ; webtoons. It's not that he's annoying or an attention seeker, no. He just want people to think of him as someone who rarely talks to people but is harmless. You know? That's because among his friends, he has an intimidating aura that make people run away everytime they see him. People call him, “doesn't seem genuine kid”. Couldn't blame them to be honest.

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