Her very first day

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Y/n stares in the mirror at her new school clothes. (A trendy button down with a sweater over top of it) she wants to impress all of the people at school but is scared. She lays on her bed biting her nails thinking about all the things she could do wrong. All of a sudden...

"Y/N! GET DOWN HERE! GURL YOUR BUS IS HERE!!" yells her mother who just is dying to fit in with "generation z"

Y/n jumps out of her bed with her Converse untied and her pants stained with grass. She barely makes it out the door without embarrassing herself already. She trips on her lace and falls right on her face. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! What an impression on the students. They yelled out the window at y/n

"What a friggen bozo!" Yelled a popular girl who got a picture of her on the ground.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha- "chokes a boy hanging out the window and retainer falls on the ground" hahahahahaha" guffawed the boy who wears glasses and gets an A on all of his work.

Well what a day that this is becoming y/n thinks as she picks herself up off the ground and slowly walking to the bus with her head down.

As she gets on the bus she looks beyond the laughing students to a boy with gorgeous green hair who isn't laughing and just sitting there reading...uhm what is that book he is reading? Oh it's Guinness World Records of 2015. "What a dork lol" y/n thinks to herself then sits an an empty seat blushing and smiling with her head down glancing at him sometimes.

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