Why i like him.

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A few things have happened aver the year that make me like him. For one one time we were all in a circle his friend group and my friend group mixed. Usually he would stand by Em but for some reason he stood by me instead of her. Now usually I wouldn't think anything about it but he only stood by me. When I would move to let 'Em stand by home but he would move. But he would stay there when I was by him. Anyway we (as in friend group) we're talking about something and I was zoned out so I asked what happened and looked me right me in the eyes to tell me. Know I know this isn't a big deal but he usually doesn't look right at me when he talk's. So it was kinda weird. And when the bell ring and we're going to class his friend look at me like right at me (they don't bonier how to be discreet) while I was waiting outside the classroom. Weird. In that class we don't really ever talk so no surprise when he doesn't talk to me. But in the next class we have together me and him are always one of the first ones there. So we were stand out side the classroom when another boy comes up. Now usually I don't have a problem with standing in between two guy's but this one made me uncomfortable, and D (my crush) noticed so he stood up off the wall and switched places with me so he was standing next to the other kid. And in class we were taking a lot. Compared to how much we usually talk. Again his friend,'s we're looking at me. The next period we had history, NO one likes that class. It's really boring and we learn nothing. (Also and other thing is that I always have some sorts of candy with me). When we were in class I gave my friend a piece,and the boy beside me asked for some, so I gave home some. So almost everyone was asking me for a piece so I was giving them it. But for some reason he almost never asks for any, but he was giving me and his friend weird looks. So the next day in the same class right when we walked in he said something about how I didn't give him a piece of candy. (Side note: there's a joke between me him and another girl about how he wants to be seen as thought and a 'tough' guy). I said you kinda have to tell me this stuff  tough guy. The only candy I had left was a chocolate kiss m,so I said do you want a kiss? And he started to blush.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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