What if?

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When you look at those tree charts in biology class that have all the different animals and what they branch off of, and what their ancestors are, back and back and back to tiny little bacteria, do you ever wonder what ever happened to some of those branches? Some live on. Chimps, tree frogs, dolphins. What about the human branches? They say, for example, that homo Neandertalensis, or the Neanderthal man as you more commonly hear it, lived around the same time as our species, homo Sapiens, developed. And that we basically out-competed the Neanderthals and killed them off. But what if it weren't true? After all, who was around to document what really happened back then? Who's to say that the Neanderthals all disappeared? Who's to say they're not still here, and smarter than we ever gave them credit for?

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