Part 16

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the next day 

the pandavas left for varnavrat seeing them leave duryodhan was smirking 

the pandavas reached varnavrat by night 

but they found it a bit weird

Arjun - purochin why is there no fire torch here in this palace 

purochin- aah aa ...  prince actually this place looks more beautiful in moonlight that's why we do not light fire torches in here the moonlight is only enough for it 

kunti - you are right it is actually very beautiful purochin

purochin - thanks raj mata 


man - haha hah hah ha ha haa haa just few more hours and they will die 

man 2- yes mamashree 

the man is reavilled to be shakuni and the second man is duryodhan 

shakuni - mere bache now our mission will be successful very soon send this news to him 

Duryodhan - yes mamashree he sent a letter to someone and smirked 


at panchal 

draupadi was feeling restless she did not know why she felt that something bad is going to happen with arjun

draupadi - why i am i felling that rajkumar arjun is not safe i hope he is fine mahadev please protect him and his family please if something happens to hum then i wont be able to live please mahadev please 

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draupadi - why i am i felling that rajkumar arjun is not safe i hope he is fine mahadev please protect him and his family please if something happens to hum then i wont be able to live please mahadev please 

draupadi was praying for arjun's safety 


at varnavrat the pandavas got to know about shakuni's plan the fumming in anger they decided to leave back to hastinapur as soon as possible but kunti stopped them 

Kunti - no putron we will not go back to a place werethere is no love of family if they hate us so much then its better that we burn in this fire itself 

Arjun - no mata we will not this happen to you if it is this we won't go back to hastinapur but we won't let you dye here in someone elses hate mata 

Nakul - yes mata we wont let anything hapen to you 

Kunti was happy seeing her son's love her the pandavas and kunti shared a hug before leaving 

but it was late as the palace was already in flames 

but the panadvas digged a tunnel undergrond and escaped from there and purochin tought that must have died and sent the news to duryodhan 

duryodhna's happiness was on nineth cloud when he got know that the pandavas are dead as well as shakuni 

the next day the news reached the sabha and everyone were heart broken knowing the news bishma 's saddness was the most because he loved the panadavas as his own son's drithrashtra was also sad hearing Gandhari was crying badly as well as dushla the news reached to entire aryavarat 


at panchal 

- no noooooooooooo noooooo this can't happen 

draupadi got to know about the news she couldn't belive that her arjun her love her everything was dead mata kunti was no more she was broken badly she just crying continuously 

draupadi - no rajkumar Arjun please come back i can't live without you please why why this happened to me why those who all i love gets snatched from me why she hugged arjun's potrait and was just crying badly 

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draupadi - no rajkumar Arjun please come back i can't live without you please why why this happened to me why those who all i love gets snatched from me why she hugged arjun's potrait and was just crying badly 

precap ( socho socho )

guys i am really sorry for not updating i know its almost 2 months it was my sisters wedding and very busy i am sorry again but now i will try to be regular 

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