6th grade

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Austin started to stare at me and make eye contacts! I was literally feeling so weird, cause I knew how much Karen liked him! And I hated him! Wanna know how our friendship with Austin started?

It was monday, I was sitting next to him because teacher said too. and he was eating candies, and I saw that teacher was looking at him mad.

- pssst! teacher is looking at you, stop eating.

•2 minutes later•

he said thank you, and he gave me 1 candy. I mean I smiled because I never seen him THAT NICE, he was always weird and mean. The whole lesson he was looking at me, and smiling. And It was really weird.

Ok so it was like 1 month. We started being friends, and even fight sometimes, I mean I could finally exept him as my classmate.

Karen was creating video about Austin, how much she hates him, and I showed those videos to my friend, and Austin literally begged for me to show him those videos too!

I guess I can show him, but if he will tell her, I lost a friend.

- pff I don't even like her! Look at her! she's a bitch!

And I was shocked to hear those words about my best friend! And I was getting mad on him until he said:
- Don't be scared I won't tell her that you showed me.

And I was feeling like the rock fell of my heart...
I knew I could trust him.

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