Frecking Minnesota

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Amelia rummaging through Kai's closet:
Kai sitting on their bed in a tee and shorts:What you doing?
Amelia find one of Kai's hoodies:What does it look like?
Kai raising their hands in defense:Ok,why are you putting on my hoodie. It's not that cold.
Amelia dramatically opening the window blinds: There's a literal blizzard going outside, I'm in freaking Minnesota,and you don't think it's cold!!
Amelia face plants on the bed:
Kai gets up slowly walking away:okay,sorry.
Amelia quickly sitting and staring at her partner sadly:Where are you going.
Kai confused:You seemed mad so I was gonna sleep on th-
Amelia feeling bad:No wait I'm sorry come lay with me.
Kai still hella confused but goes to cuddle with her:Uhh... it's fine.
Amelia happy and warm:Goodnight,babe,thank you
Kai half alsleep:Goodnight,love.

A/N: sorry this one is really bad. (I hate the ending)

Kaimelia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now