A bouncy pop star date

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Here's a new TG story starring my pop star OC, Charlie ballon sauteur (or Sylvie berond, as she's known as off stage)!!! Enjoy!!

On a nice day in Paris, you wake up and think to yourself, "oh man, today's the fucking day!! Charlie ballon sauteur's big concert is tonight and I've got front row seats and backstage access, thanks to that radio contest I won. Tonight's gonna be lit!!" You get yourself ready for tonight's big concert and you head out the door and straight to the Napoleon coliseum. Upon arrival, you see a long line of people waiting to get their tickets and say, "I almost feel sorry for them, having to wait in this long ass line. But, I got backstage access so that's where I'm going." When you get to the backstage door, a guard says to you, "if you're here to get miss Charlie's autograph, you'll have to wait until..." you show the guard the backstage pass and say, "I won a radio contest for this." The guard steps aside and lets you in. As you wander the backstage area, you see Charlie in her dressing room and say, "wow, she's cute." She overhears you and says, "are you saying that just because you're a fan of me?? If so, I'll sign your autograph later." You blush and respond, "no, I'm not saying that out of pure fandom, I just... well, I guess I..." she walks up to you standing at her door and says, "come on in, I've got some time before the show." You enter her room and tell her, "um, thanks for letting me in. I appreciate it." She giggles and tells you, "oh how nice. It's been a while since I've been hit on by a guy, most boys just want to end up in the tabloids by my side and call it a 'date'. You're actually really cute." Your face gets even redder as you look down in silence, trying your hardest not to sound like a fan. Charlie lifts your head up and asks you, "are you, by any chance, available after the show??" You hesitate and respond, "uh, yeah sure. I'm available after the show. Wanna go for a little stroll around Paris? I'll be happy to take you to some of my favorite..." she makes out with you and replies, "I have something different in mind." She goes to pull out her French flag space hopper and continues, "instead of just 'walking' around Paris, how about we bounce??" You then say, "but wouldn't it be weird if the public saw you and a boy bouncing together? I mean, I'd have to be a girl if I was gonna bounce with you." She then says to you as she sits you in a chair in her dressing room, "wait right there, I'll fix this little conundrum that you're in." She then takes her space hopper and goes out on stage. You say to yourself, "what the fuck!? I actually scored a date with a French pop star, how am I supposed to act around her." After the concert, Charlie comes back and says to you, "aww, you look so cute when you're embarrassed. Teehee, you've got my attention, cutie pie!! Now, how about I get a taste of that dick of yours." You then slowly unzip your pants, exposing your dick and Charlie puts her hand on it and you start getting flustered as she starts sucking on your dick like a lollipop. You say to her as she sucks on your dick, "um, I've never had my dick sucked on by a pop star, Charlie." She pauses and says, "call me Sylvie, ok?" You say, " ok, Sylvie. By the way, how many boys have you dated??" Sylvie responded with a sigh, "too many to count. Like I said, all the boys I've dated only went out with me just as a publicity stunt. It just irks me." You apologize for asking the question and Sylvie kisses you on the cheek saying, "it's fine. Now then, about that attire." She gets a idea and says, "I've got it, you'll change here into more suitable clothing for our date." You decide to go with Sylvie's plan and start undressing in front of her. She then pulls out a French flag ballerina costume and says, "here, this'll do!!" You look at the costume and say, "wow, you really think I look cute in this?" She smiles and replies with a giggle, "of course, cutie!! You're the first boy who I've come across that I've had sincere feelings for!! So, ready to put it on." You blush and say in a shy tone, "uh, sure. Anything for you." You start putting on the costume and she says, "oh, you're a real treat!!" After putting on the white tights, you start putting on the French flag tutu and you think to yourself, "what's this feeling I'm all of a sudden having? Is this genuine love or is it fake? What's happening??" You finish putting on the French flag tutu and say to Sylvie, "um, I really don't know what to say right now, but... I really do have some fledgling of love for you. So, uh... I was hoping that, well, you know..." she grabs your hand and replies, "you don't have to be embarrassed around me. Sure, I'm a French pop star and you're a fan of mine, but that doesn't mean you have to put on a facade just to impress me. I love you, that's what matters here and now." You let out a sigh of relief and say as you grab a pair of red pointe shoes, "thanks a lot, Sylvie." You put on the red pointe shoes and then your chest starts growing big boobs and your hair grows longer, becoming a ballerina bun. Sylvie finishes the makeover by applying makeup on your face and you say in a girly voice, "wow, I'm such a doll!!" You grab one of the space hoppers that Sylvie loves bouncing on and you start bouncing.
As you bounce, Sylvie says, "oh my, you're such a graceful bouncing ballerina!!" You reply, "teehee, oh thank you. It's not often I'm entertaining a cute pop star like you." She grabs her French flag space hopper and bounces by saying, "come on, the lights of Paris await our presence." She bounces out of the dressing room and you follow close behind, saying boingy as you bounce. Sylvie hears you and says, "aww, I'm so glad I ran into you!!" She then starts saying boingy as she bounces alongside you and you both bounce around Paris until the morning.
The end.

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