How They'd React To You Asking If They'd Still Love You As A Worm

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Requested: Nope :')

Pronouns: None used, gender neutral

I got permission to use this prompt from Rainbow_Gecko232. Check her out!


Dreamy Poo:

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

"What -"

He doesn't answer the question, he just laughs.

"If I were magically transformed into a worm, would you still love and care for me?"

"What the heck, (y/n)? Are you on drugs?"


He would indeed still love you as a worm. He'd probably accidentally step on you, though.


"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

He takes the question way too seriously while still laughing about it.

"Were you always a worm or did you randomly become one?"

"I'm just a worm, George. Would you love me or not?"

"Can you talk? Do you still have a personality or memory?"


He'd still love you, he might move on though.


"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

"I bet you'd be a hot worm. I'd kiss the crap out of your wormy face."

"What the heck, Nick?"

"What do you mean what the heck? What do you want me to say? I'd deep fry you alive and invite the neighbors over for a worm fry?"

"You still didn't have to be so ... weird."

If you magically became a worm, you'd be the richest, most spoiled worm ever. He would not fail to give you the best worm life. He would absolutely still love you.

The Ugly Duckling:

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

"What? Would I still - *laugh* - Am I supposed to say yes?"

"You're supposed to answer honestly."

"I'd still love's kind of hard to love a worm."

He thinks it's hilarious. He laughs while he answers the question.

He kinda wouldn't love you as a worm. Sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Carl Jaykubs:

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"


That is all. This man adores you whether you're a worm or not. He fully believes you would be his worm soulmate.


"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

"Am I a worm too? It could be like Princess and the Frog, except...Worm and the...Worm."

"Does it really matter? Would you love me?"

"That's a really good question."

He genuinely thinks about it for a while. On one hand, you're the love of his life, on the other hand, you're a worm. It's not easy to love a worm! I think deep down he would.

Furry Boy:

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

"What kind of a question is that?"

"A perfectly valid one."

He's stumped. Not by the question, but how your brain came up with such a scenario.

"I'd love you. But the real question is, would you still love me if I was a fox?"

As he said, he would love you. Why do I get the feeling he'd still cuddle with you as a worm?


"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"


"But -"


Inside he's laughing, trust me. And yes, yes he would love you. He would adore you, even as a worm. He just wants to antagonize you.

Tim Tom Out It:

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

"What - Can I be a worm too?"


"Why can't I be a worm? 

"Because I said so."

You both just kind of laugh at the absurdity of the conversation

He would love you, just in a different way


"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

"Um...yeah, I think so."

He takes it oddly seriously. He even stops to think about it

He loves you as a worm. You'd be living the luxurious worm life

oReO bOy:

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

"Who said I ever loved you..."


"I'm kidding! Of course I'd love you."

He would still love you as a worm, just slightly less. Loving a worm is tough, ya know?


"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

"Uhhhhhh...are you okay?"

"That's not relevant."

"Why....just....why would you ask me that?"

"Would you, though?"

He would. Like Sapnap, you'd be a rich, fancy worm. He would not let your worm self live a life of the average worm. He loves you too much for that

Thank you for reading! Have a magnificent day and drink lots of water. Also, don't transform into a worm. It just seems inconvenient. Feel free to leave requests!

(746 Words)

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