An Invite To Everlock

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Leo grabs a note and starts writing,Its honestly quite formal,Anyway—He writes 11 separate papers,each for everyone of his friends.

*insert knock* Leo wanted to give this to you,idk what it is but just read it.Alayna grabbed the note without a sound and sat down."To my esteemed friends,I have acquired an illustration estate from the death of a distant relative" "Oh" The only thing that loser Alayna thought(/j)

"Whom I've never met" Alison surprised,"Wooowww,so formal" is the only that dummy said 👹 "I thought it only fitting to invite you all to attend a dinner party on the grounds.It will certainly be a night to remember,"

"Leo writing formal is rare lmao" "However,The estate is quite peculiar,and only exists in the year 1920" Ariana looked away from the note "Ok wtf" "He's playing games,right?"

"If he's inviting to dinner in 1920 I'm not going,this is how all horror movies start" "To enter it's ground you must be dressed fo clothing of that eid" "what.That doesnt make sense," Brianna the idiot said.

"If you are carrying anything from the modern world,the house will simply never appear for you."
"But I don't have any clothing from the 'past'!"

"And not only your clothing,but your attitude must reflect the time" "My attitude is way to gay for that,"

"I've included your unique characteristics of this invitation" "Nice"

"My driver will pick you up and take you in a road" "what the hell is this?"

"That can only driven by his insane time traveling automobile" "tf"

"Then like magic,the house will appear,I hope to see you soon." "Oh,this sounds fun"

Basically everyone shshshshsndwi:
"Ok so wtf do I wear"

—They all manage to find something to wear that's suitable.Leo's driver takes them to the given adress.

Looking at it,it doesn't look like a 'house' at all.It's just a empty place with a fire in the middle of it(like in S3)."This isn't even a house" Luke the rat (🥰) said."Wow really?Didn't even notice" Casey,visibly tired,replied."We've been waiting for Leo for 5 hours!" "It's been 30 minutes tho.?" Gianna replied to Casey's complaining ass."Shut." Is all what xey could really say.

—30  Minutes Later Leo FINALLY Came.
"Finally!You took foreeeeeveeerr!" Casey Complained."Damn I'm sorry,I can't be late?"
"You took 1 hour," Brianna added "Oops" Is the only think he said.

I'm lazy and don't wanna finish it so I'll make another part later jsnsbs

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