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I finally arrived at baji's house. I knocked on baji's door but surprisingly an old man answered.
"Do you need anything young man?" The old man asked.
"Hello sir, I'm Baji's..." I said being left speechless.
What was I for Baji?
"Friend, yes Friend." I said as quick as possible.
"Who are you and who the hell is Baji?" He said
"Wait... you are not Baji's father or grandfather?" I said confused.
"Hey fuyu!" Baji shouted from behind.
He was shirtless and was working out on the gym of his garage. There was sweat dripping down his abs, he put his right arm on his forehead and looked at me straight in the eyes.
"Hey... Baji" I said nervously while scratching my head.
There was silence for a second but it felt like it lasted for ever.
"That's not my house, it's this one!" Baji shouted.
Oh god, I knocked on the wrong door. I turned around and apologised to the old man, then I quickly went running towards Baji.
"Sorry Baji... I mean sir" I said while feeling my heart was going to explode.
Why was I so nervous?
"No need to be so formal, fuyu" He said while touching my chin.
I turned completely red like a tomato, it was so embarrassing.
Baji smiled.
"Let's go inside."said Baji.
"su-sure!" I said.
I was flattered but I tried not to show it.
"you can go to the kitchen and grab a drink, it's right over there." Baji pointed to the kitchen while entering the house.
"ye-yes." I entered his house nervously and blushed, covering up my face so he didn't see me all red.
I went to the kitchen,grabbed two drinks and went to the living room where Baji was.
"Here Baji," I gave him the drink and stood there with out moving or saying anything waiting for him to say something.
Baji opened his drink and started drinking it, "Hey fuyu, are you going to sit down?" he said while pointing to the seat right next to his.
"Oh- yeah!" I went next to him and nervously sat down on the sofa, "Sooo... what do you want to do?" I said trying to break the silence.
"Maybe you want to watch a movie? Oh and then we study." He said while winking at me.
Wait, he winked at me? I turned all red and quickly turned to look somewhere else so he didn't see me. Then I realised I could look as if I was being mean.
"You don't want to watch the movie I guess." He said with a low, tired voice.
I quickly turned around and looked at him saying:
"N-no! The complete opposite, I would actually... really love to watch a movie with you." Then I realised what a simp I looked like, what would Baji think of me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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