alice through the looking glass

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Today i will be talking about my recently invented method:

                                     ~ THE ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS METHOD ~

quite a mouthful right? i know.

i am honestly not that creative when it comes to names. So this name will do. I first want to preface this by saying: these are for fun. You do need a method. If you do decide to want one, want this one, have fun with it!! If something in this method isn't working for you, change it. Share your experiences in the comments. do whatever feels right for you!! 

enough of the sappy stuff, on to the method itself...

1. Go recline your body in a horizontal position (if you get this quote, you're a legend)

2. do some breathing exercises, my go-to is: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 3-5 and then exhale for eight. If you want to visualize, try visualizing a flower. When inhaling it opens, when holding it's in it's prime and when you're exhaling it's closing again.

3. When you feel calm, like in your body calm go ahead and try to actually figure out what you want from yourself. I know a lot of you will roll your eyes and think that i'm dumb because of course you know what you want! you're shifting! but that's not what i mean. i mean, try to visualize an ideal moment in your dr. Is it while you and your comfort characters are fighting crime together? or when all of you are out for brunch? Or maybe when you're about to walk on stage to perform? I don't know your dr but i do know everyone has that moment. I want you to focus on the way that scenario makes you feel, not the scene itself but your feelings. for example: do you feel calm, happy, full of adrenaline, powerful, beautiful, confident, accepted, ...? Now let that feeling wash over you. feel it in every part of your body.

4. Now i waant you to visualize waking up in your cr. yes cr. nope it's not a typo. Imagine your bed, your room, your morning routine, every little thing. 

5. wear clothes your DR self would also wear.

6.  Imagine you see a beautiful butterfly (if you're scared of butterfly's imagine another bug ,if you don't like insects just imagine a soup bubble of sorts). then i want you to follow it, follow it to a certain part of your house, a part where you feel utterly safe. i want you to see a great beautiful mirror, inspect that magical mirror, feel the material under your hands. 

7. when you are ready, push your hand in. feel the cold sensations run over your hand and pull it out again.

8. again, only when you feel ready and safe, walk through that mirror. feel the air change, see reality fall away before you and push through. When you come out you're in a room. That same butterfly (or whatever) flies in front of you and morphs in to something. You see your DR comfort characters, all of them lined up. you get ingulfed in a million hugs. Everyone is so happy to see you!!

9. choose one person you feel safest and most loved with and grab their hand. They will lead you to the door at the end of the room. I want you to open it. Then you'll be in your DR.

Now shift and prosper beasties, i believe in you.

                   - N

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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