Chapter One

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Hikari woke up to the sound of their phone alarm going off, for the 10th time that morning. They sigh and turn it off only to grab their phone and scroll through notifications. Nothing unusual, messages from friends and some social media updates. Hikari reluctantly pulls themself out of bed to get ready for the day. Luckily, it was an easy class day, just one lecture and then they could go to their favorite coffee shop to work.

They had been going to the Mew-sic Cat Cafe for a few years since they stumbled in one day to get out of the rain after a particularly rough exam. Present Mic and Eraserhead, two retired pro-heros, ran the place. It was the perfect cafe to sit and hang out with a bunch of cats while they did homework. Hikari had gotten to know the two retired pro heroes pretty well in that time, and now Mic helped them with papers while Eraserhead sat with the cats.

Hikari snapped out of their thoughts to a cold nose pushing at their face. "Hey, now!" They laughed, "I guess you're hungry, huh?"

Echo, a large Siberian Husky, watched them with a tongue lolling out of his mouth. Hikari had gotten him a few years earlier when they moved into their first apartment alone. Even as a puppy he was very protective of them, growling at anyone who got too close. Of course, it was so adorable because he was so little and totally non threatening. Echo has since learned Hikari's schedule and quirk, so when they get too tired from healing or aren't able to photosynthesise enough energy, he makes sure they stop. When that happens, he always gets more protective of them.

"Come on then, boy. Let's go get you some food," Hakari says after Echo whines at them again. They go out to the kitchen and fill his food and water bowls. Hikari grabs a handful of trail mix to munch on and goes to shower and get ready for the day. They laugh as they take in their appearance in the bathroom mirror because of the bedhead they have. After a quick shower, they head to their closet to decide what would be comfy to wear. Because it was going to be a rainy day, the third one this week, Hikari decided on a simple pair of slacks and a cozy sweater. They knew it would be another low energy day because of their quirk. They had an energy manipulation quirk, which they use to heal. However, in order to heal they have to use their own energy, which they photosynthesise from the sun. So when it is a rainy or cloudy day, or even night, they have to be extra careful with their energy usage.

"Well, what do you think, Echo?" Hikari asked as they turned to the dog who just walked in the room. "Good enough for the day?" Echo gave a happy little bark before going to grab his walking harness and leash. They laughed and walked over to put it on him before grabbing their phone and umbrella to take him on a walk before they went to class. This was always Hikari's favorite time of day, even on a rainy day. There was something so calming about taking Echo to the dog park near their apartment and putting earbuds in to listen to their favorite music.

As they walk, Hikari feels their phone vibrate in their pocket. They pull it out to see a notification from Harumi Kaminari, Present Mic and Eraserhead's granddaughter. After spending so much time at the cafe, Harumi noticed them and adopted them as a friend. Since then they have swapped memes and shared silly stories about the cats in the cafe and their lives. Hikari liked Harumi's chaotic personality, and Harumi very much enjoyed being able to tease them constantly. Harumi had texted them to ask if they'd be over at the cafe that afternoon.

For sure. Just have to get through this lecture first lol, they reply. Soon enough, Echo and Hikari are at the park and they take his leash off. As soon as he feels the slack, he speeds off to go play for a bit. He never goes too far, Hikari has noticed, and every once in a while will look back to where they are sitting on a bench. They get their phone back out while they wait and see a new message from Harumi.

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