Chapter 1

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It was a quarter past 10 at night, and the family had all gone to sleep. Reflective floors, dishes cleaned, counters dusted, and child tucked in bed, there was nothing more for Theodore to take care of. In fact, he had finally had time for himself after working until his joints ached from bending under couches and beds to retrieve misplaced toys and clothing. Cooking for a family of just a father and daughter had never occurred to him to be as impossible as it was tonight. Could it be because tomorrow was his only day off for the week?

The man gripped his hair into a knot. "You're not sucking hard enough."

And with that, Theodore's vision snapped back to the present. He was overworked as of lately, but to completely ignore the beautiful stature of a man sitting on the rickety bed in front of him was shameful.

"I'm sorry."

"Just do what you paid me for."

This lifestyle was nothing he was ashamed of. Paying men, gay or not, to let him have their way with him, it was like a dream come true. Of course, it was only allowed once a week. And on the day he was able to, he was always physically and mentally exhausted. His poor mouth skills for tonight proved that theory.

"It's been 10 minutes, and you're still down there. Just bend over."

Without another word, Theodore laid himself in front of... what was his name again? It was something generic, but he couldn't quite put a name to such a pretty face. Light stubble, shaggy hair, and pierced ears. Although Theodore's face was pushed into the raggedy pillow, he still forced himself to look back at the pretty face as he was taken from behind. Maybe his name started with an L? It could have easily been a J.

"Squeeze your ass tighter."

"Yes, sir." It was a reflex that he couldn't bite back in time. Referring to someone dominating him by 'sir.' It didn't seem to matter to the stranger as he released inside of him and scrambled on the floor for his clothes. "Did you ..?"

Zipping up his jeans, the stranger responded, "Didn't have a condom, sorry." He pocketed his phone and keys. Patting his back pocket, he looked apologetically at Theodore. "Hey, you got money for a cab I could hold?"


How much time has passed since he left such a shabby motel? Theodore gripped the ends of his high ponytail and twirled it around his finger and thumb. His eyes followed the lines of the sidewalk as he strolled along the pathway. Unfortunately, he hadn't the money to hail a cab after giving it to the stranger. Should he have asked to ride with him? It might have been too awkward.

Theodore lightly traced his neck with his hand. A scornful gaze fell onto his face. His lips almost lifted into a visible snarl, but he resisted the urge by balling his other hand into a fist.

He didn't hold up to his end of the bargain.

Theodore only had one request, well, demand, whenever he gave them the option to do whatever they wanted, yet they couldn't even give him that. It was unfortunate, but he let the thought float away as he veered into a pub that was along the way to his apartment.

As expected, there was a pretty strong crowd. Cheers and hollers roared throughout the people as they stared in the corner of the bar, likely watching a sporting event on the small TV. The bartender, a small, pretty black woman was shaking a cocktail for one of the customers. She had a nice smile on her face, but it was obvious it was played up for extra tips.

Theodore took a seat in an almost empty booth with a glass of "the heaviest you have" and sighed. The burning sensation of alcohol sliding down his throat never became easier to handle, but the almost instant relief to his mind was a slice of peace. In front of him was a guy with his head laid face down on his arms. Was he snoring? Regardless, it was pretty easy to ignore him and focus on drowning out his own thoughts instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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