mom me

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i want to be a mom that cooks three meals a day for my family. or maybe not everyday because to be realistic it's pretty tiring.

if i only cook a meal, i want to make something for our sweet tea time. be it baking, or only buying kuih from kedai depan.

i want to be a mom that is full with love language - words of affirmation, reassurance, physical touch, acts of services and many more. i will figure them out later, one by one. oh, and a very patience kind of mom. i dont want my kids to grow up having any traumas. i dont want to be an emotionally unavailable parents. oof that needs to be discussed with my partner seriously and deeply.

i want a day off if im working. or maybe two? three? (not sure yet. hopefully that's what my company allows.) because i want to spend time with my kids. lets say i have a day off on saturday, friday and sunday. thats literally paradise 😍 on saturday, saya nak spend time dengan anak perempuan saya while anak lelaki saya spend time dengan ayah dia lepastu friday family outing lepastu sunday saya spend time dengan anak lelaki saya, anak perempuan saya spend time dengan ayah dia.

lepastu saya plan nak anak-anak perempuan saya ada sewing skills. so saya nak hantar dia masuk sewing class. kalau dia masih sekolah rendah then i will try to join with them.or they can simply join with their cousins!! yang ni nak hantar time cuti sekolah bulan december tu.

kalau baking skills, i will bake for fun so that my daughters will also be interested. siapa yang minat, lekat lah talent tu dekat dia.

as for my sons, they can join music class. kenapa nak join music class? because their father knows how to play music instruments aaa 😍 lol. kalau my daughter is interested she can learn from their brother, or maybe i have to sign them up too 😮‍💨 lepastu my sons nanti boleh busking sesama diorang, buat youtube channel. yes go make that bank son 👊

oh not too forget, taekwondo class. seni mempertahankan diri sangat penting ye. yang ni time diorang darjah satu pun dah boleh daftarkan.

lepastu masuk form 1, kita nak hantar diorang masuk asrama dah. sebab member member saya kata kalau masuk asrama time f4 dah tak best. kenapa nak hantar masuk asrama? i feel like people are more discipline bila masuk asrama. kenal dengan dunia luar, bergaul with lots of people. takde lah culture shock sangat dah besar nanti.

kalau nak hantar masuk asrama pun, bukannya asrama jauh jauh. tapi kalau dapat jauh tu rezeki la. tapi kena la melawat so my child tak feel neglected. walaupun jauh di mata, dekat di hati.

maybe i can write them letters, send them gifts during special occasions. oh nak exam? pulut kuning. kenduri sesama family. oh dah dapat results exam? bagi hadiah. kenduri again. sounds simple but i hope i can do it lah.

lepastu i nak teach my kids eating etiquette lol? so everyone can look classy. dia cam time kecik ko main cikgu cikgu dengan kawan ko, tapi era masa depan main eating etiquette.

lepastu selalu dedahkan dekat diorang tentang job scope. so they can have clear goals dah besar nak jadi apa.

lepastu i want to make reading as their hobby. lads and gents who read are so attractive kan so yeah.

lepastu nak jogging as a whole family lepas subuh. cute gila. lepastu lepak breakfast.

ok tu je buat masa ni.

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