Wales X Northern Ireland

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Read and excerpt From Wales x Northern Ireland (kiss me under the mistletoe)

It was Jolly, good Christmas time. Wales was in his old house just looking at his bitter cold tea, not wanting to drink it. After he got rejected by Northern Ireland, he felt he had to take down his decorations.

This Christmas was going to be the worst ever, Wales sat on his chair while listening to sad Christmas songs. Christmas bells by James arthur was coming on, Wales hated this song.

He was thinking of the memories him and N Ireland made. Throwing snowballs, and making angels. Making the snowmen.

With a sad whining face stuck on him, he felt like he just wanted to die. Northern Ireland came rushing over to his house ringing the bell, he paused the song but continued it when he saw it was NI

Wales: when the NI comes out, i feel sad, And so mad, like really bad.

NI: wait, Wales, please

Wales opened the door to Northern Ireland with that sad face.

NI: please, step down from the porch.

Wales stepped down to see NI's sad face looking at him.

Wales: what do you want, heartbreaker?

NI reached out to Wales and felt like kissing. NI smooched Wales while he was a shocked little one. Wales looked at NI, and had a lovley face now.

Wales: why, though?

NI: i'm sorry, for all of it. For rejecting you, for ditching you, for forgetting you.

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