Makotos feelings

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(M) alright i like Gō or I did but all she does is hangout with momotaro so I don't really get to spend time with her

(R) your jealous about my sisters friendship with momotaro

(M) it's obvious he likes her too but yeah I've been jealous

(R) Makoto my sister doesn't like him she likes you

(M) when did she like me?

(R) for awhile now, she never got to confess it because you barley spent time with her and the only times she gets to talk with you is if we're at club or all hanging out together but Gō's admitted it to me that she likes you

(M) she could've confessed it

(S) if you've seen this girls dating like you'd know she hasn't been with many people, she's even liked me but I shocked everyone announcing myself about liking men

(H) when did gō like you?

(S) last year once I returned with rin from Australia gō talked to rin about it and he told be then it came to the shocker of me liking men and liking you

(H) makes sense

(M) so if I confess to gō she would possibly confess back to me?

(R) you won't know till you do it

(S) it's either do it in person or over the phone

(M) she's pretty occupied with getting those tickets

*gō calling rin*

(R) doesn't look like she is right now *answers phone* hey sis

(G) rin I got the tickets, we should be leaving January 5th

(R) sounds good, hey I got a question if I handed the phone to my friend would you be alright with talking to him

(G) depending on who it is

(R) it's Makoto, he wants to talk to you

(G) alright

(R) *hands phone to Makoto* do it

(M) hey gō

(G) hey Makoto, so what's up?

(M) I wanted to tell you something that I had been keeping secret for some time now I jest never confessed it but I wanted to now even if it was over the phone

(G) what do you want to confess?

(M) I wanted to confess that I like you gō

(G) I like you too Makoto

(M) would you like to be my girlfriend?

(G) yes I would

(M) *jumping around happy*

(R) way to go guys

(S) happy for you too

(H) way to go Makoto

(M) I'll text you over my phone since rin wants his phone back

(G) alright talk soon

(M) talk soon *hangs up call*

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