Levaxx 💔 angst

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Levi and Jaxx was just walking down the alleyway talking to eachother trying to hurry home but then a strange man came in front of them and stop them .
Jaxx in defense mode then yelled at the man "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE" the man didn't speak only walked close to them and then started running at them Jaxx tryed to tacked him but missed and then slammed Levi onto the ground. Levi heard something crack as he yelped in pain and then the man pulled out a knife and stabbed it in Levi's shoulder making him cry more and Jaxx grab the man and throws him int the wall taking of the mask and it was...Sora. Jaxx was in tears "S-Sora?" Sora looked at the ground "yes it is me...i-I sorry ok I-" Jaxx cut him off by throwing him on the floor as he walked over to the black haired male who was crying in pain. Sora looked at them "Jaxx I'm sorry I just was jealous and jealously took over my body" sora tryed to explain but Jaxx didn't care "you did this is wasn't just jealous.."Jaxx said and he pick up Levi carefully. "AH! OW!" Levi yelled out and Jaxx hushed him "shh...Levi it's going to be ok". Levi calmed down a bit tears still falling from his face. "Jaxx just let me explain-" and that is where Jaxx snapped. "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH SORA I AM DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR JEALOUSLY YOU ARE HURTING EVERYONE AND I AM SICK OF IT!" Jaxx yelled and sora was speechless. Jaxx went of back to the squad house sense Alex was a doctor and can help while sora sat there motionless and speechless

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