Chapter 3

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POV of mystery person.  (You will understand later)
Lavender Brown now stood at the podium where the Head Girl had just. She was for everyone's attention. If you look around the room there is not a soul who is not giving her the attention she asked for. The Headmistress was shocked trying to get the girl to stop but was unable to so that agreed to let her speak and what she had to say was very intriguing.

Lavender's POV
Here we are Hermione getting all the attention again and I am so done with it. I am tired of waiting for Ron to breakup with her if he will not do it then I will.
"Excuse me, may I have everyone's attention please? Great, thank you. Now I just have a small announcement. Ron and I are going to be parents! That's right people Ron Weasley is the father of my child."
As I looked around I saw so many different faces and none of them seemed to be happy for us. The Gryffindors had turned to Ron with hate filled looks in their eyes. The Hufflepuffs had group around the Slytherins who had grouped around Ron as if ready to pounce. The Ravenclaws they had pulled Hermione, the Weasleys, the Lovegoods, and Harry all out of the dining hall. It was then that I decided to follow them. Ron soon made his way out as well. Now we all stood in an abandoned classroom. No one said a thing, until a silent spell was casted at Ron.

Ron's POV
Bang. What the hell? I get up and look around and Ginny has her wand drawn. My own sister just sent that spell at me. What the hell? I need to explain this to them.
"Guys look it is not as bad as it seems. I know that this complicates things but we are still friends and family. Hermione, I never meant to hurt you. I never intended for this to happen. It just did and once it did I could not stop it. Now Lav is pregnant and I can not just abandon my child. I hope you can understand that. I hope all of you can understand that."
However, they were not hearing me.

Ginny's POV
HOW DARE HE? How dare he do this to her? She has always been to good for him. He deserves the worst and that is what he has with his precious Lav. I look at my dear sweet friends and see nothing but pain and anger. She looks as if she could either cry or hex him. He deserves more than just one little spell thrown at him. I need to get her out of here.
"Hermione, come with me. Harry we need to get her out of here. Everyone else can stay here and figure this out."

Fred's POV
I do not understand how Ron could do this to Hermione. I mean I owe her my life. If she had not saved me I would be gone, we were one of the lucky ones that managed not to have to bury to many people we loved. That was mainly due to Hermione and her quick thinking. If she could have saved everyone she would have. I have one question for my brother.
"Ron, why would you do something like this to sweet Hermione? She has done nothing but love and support you. So, why?"
He just stood there not saying anything. That is when the most unlikely of people came into the room.

Draco's POV
This past year I had become good friends with Harry, Hermione and Ginny. My dad had worked on things with Mr. and Mrs.Weasley. We had all become good friends. My dad had given Hermione a job at Malfoy Inc. after school. She would be head of all muggle relations. She was connected to both worlds after all. So, when this all happened everyone turn on Ron and we all wanted to protect Hermione. Dad and I finally found them as we hear Fred yelling. We walk in to see Lavender slap Fred and walk to Ron's side. At that point my father thought it would be best to step in.
"Look at this point I believe it is best that we all take a few steps back and breathe. There is no need to yell there is a simple explanation for all of this. One he is under a powerful love potion, which can be determined with a simple spell. I can perform the spell if you would all like. Dilectio!" Nothing happened this just caused father to laugh, which enraged Arthur.

Third POV
"What do you find to be so funny Lucius?"
"I find it funny that your son could go from the bed of such a beautiful a young women like Hermione, to the bed of Ms.Brown and he is not even under any kind of love potion."
"I could have told you I was not under the affects of a love potion. After sixth year I became immune to them. They will never be able to affect me ever again. It is all very simple I did not love Hermione anymore and I fell in love with my sweet Lav.
At that point no one could stand the sight of Ron and everyone left to go find Hermione not a single person forgetting what Lucius had said.

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