chapter 4

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"so my wife tell me...what decision did our son took?"

'he said he wanted his grandpa's decision...I said I can take care of his son but he resist'

"did perhaps...our grandson's mother died? "

'I dunno?'

"Mom?why I had this ultrasound picture?"

'oh?...uhh...r-rember? You ask your friend if you can have her ultrasound? then she said you can...maybe that's why you had that? let me burn or throw it'

"No mom!...I-i mean...I wanted to keep this...i feel something strange"

'okay...I need to go your answer well..okay~'


"mister whatever bo! I am Xiao zhan...mmm?...the one who saved your son? " he asked while looking annoyed at the man infront of him.

'since you are fine now...we will leave...I already payed your hospital bills on my behalf'  The man in suid uttered and bow as respect and thank you on his vocabulary.

'This! He don't know how to speak thank you?!' zhan asked to himself but get startled when the little Linyi started to throw the vase.


Yibo shout, unbelievable on what he saw 'he isn't like this before!' he thought.

"D-daddy!...I want him to stay with us! He is my mwommy!" the little kid shout which make the three adults to jolt in surprise. This make his two relatives, his dad and his uncle to look at him surprised, this wasn't his behaviour when he is with someone or he is with his friend before.

'No! He is busy and you barely known him'

His dad explained so the boy tried anyways to please his father "daddy please?" he plead but yibo himself stick to his decision 'No! and that's final!' He whispered yell at the kid who was now crying out so loud.

"Your so mean to little Yiyi! I hate you! " Linyi cried and ran out of the room.

'that kid he wasn't like th-'

"I can be his act mother if he likes and if you agree tho...I wasn't a bad person" zhan spoke out. 

The tall and manly figure gave the young man a glare. Xiao Zhan looked somewhere to avoid the said man's ferocious gaze.

'I hired lots of nanny before but he chase them away if you like then name your prices, as for you, you shouldn't let your emotions ruined your life again...and don't even tried to take him away from me or exposed his identity as my son' with that, he chased his son and leave the confused face of Xiao Zhan.


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