Chapter One

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"And action!" the director yelled

"Owen you have to help her!" Amelia yelled as I laid on the ground unresponsive to which he scooped me and rushed me inside and placed me down on a bed in Trauma Room 1 to which doctors surrounded me as i started to regain consciousness.

"Your okay Erin, we're going to help you" April reassured me as I was being hooked up to different monitor with different doctors looking at each part of my body to try and determine what was wrong.

"Owen can you do hand over, we need to know what exactly happened" asked Arizona to which Owen gave them a full run down

"Erin Shepherd age 15, unknown reason to loss of consciousness. Bp is low and heart rate was steady but has now risen. Out of it for around 5 minutes before coming back around

"And cut" the director yelled finish for everyone as the scene finished

"Well done everyone that is a wrap for today. Get some rest before the awards tomorrow. Good work and we can win! Best of luck everyone"

and with that everyone walked to their trailers and started to get there stuff together, as I was walking to my trailer i felt an arm around my shoulder and got pulled into a hug

"Good work today Eve, see you tomorrow" Ellen told me as she then walked to her trailer and said bye to everyone else and leaving for the day, I finally got back to my trailer and grabbed all my stuff before heading to the car to wait for mom who was actually already their which was a surprise

"Ready to go home?" she asked to as we were getting in the car and starting the 40 minute journey home

"I'm ready for bed" I told her to which she laughed

"You're always ready for bed, your hair and makeup is booked in for 12 and you dress should already be home she told me on the way as she sorted everything for the awards which we were both really excited for and I was nervous because I had been nominated for a few awards which if I won it would mean a speech but I don't think I am going to and that is okay as I'm only 15. We sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of they way home as it was late and we were both tired and I was certainly ready for bed.

When we got in the girls were still awake sat on the couch watching a movie with the babysitter and ran towards us as we entered the door, well Lucky toddled towards us at her own pace.

"Right girls bedtime now you've seen us. Thank you Georgia for looking after them I hope they were good, I've sent you the money. See you later" Mom told her as she was going up the stairs with all three girls in tow. Lucky on her hip, Pip on her left and Eliza on her right.

I got myself a glass of water to take upstairs before following her up and getting myself ready for bed and finally taking my makeup off from work and doing my skincare before having a sneak peak at my dress which was hung on my wardrobe door which looked stunning before finally getting in bed and snuggled into my covers and falling asleep partially straight away because it was a busy day at work.

 Eve Taylor Scorsone Where stories live. Discover now