Forever friends

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"Don't tell me your a pussy!"

Hawk turns around and gives Sam an annoyed face.

"I'm not but I just don't wanna get sick, or wet!"

Sam had started taking off her jacket and shoes. They were parked on the beach and Hawk refused to join Sam on the sand.

"Come on! It'll be fun."

Sam threw her jacket and shoes into the car and stared skipping off her shirt, not missing the way his gaze lingered. God boys are weird. She throws her shirt in the car too and slips off her pants. With the way Hawk stares at her, she's kind of reconsidering her strip and swim idea.

"Fuck it."

Hawk jumps out of the car, rips off his shirt and pants and starts gunning it to the ocean.

"Hey no fair!"

Sam starts running after him, kicking up sand behind her. Hawk runs into the water and dunks himself into it, staying under for a few seconds. Sam follows behind him, and immediately joins him under the water. When she opens her eyes she sees him, a smile stretching across his face and she smiles too. The sun shines overhead and his eyes become illuminated for a moment. They match the water around him, blue and deep. His hands reach out and grab her waist, pulling her up against him. Goosebumps cover her body as the water slips off of her and she takes a fresh breath of air. When she opens her eyes, she sees him looking directly at her, adoration radiating off of him. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and his arms are holding her up tightly.

"You're fucking beautiful."

Sam feels her heart drop. Beautiful? He thinks she's beautiful?

"Don't tell me the salt water already got through your dense head?"

Hawk gave an offended face and spun them around in the water.

"Hawk! You asshole!"

Sam yelped and grabbed on tighter, pulling her head into his neck. He continued to spin them around and pretended he was gonna drop Sam, making her cling on more. She didn't mind it, the proximity. It felt natural, the way that their hands slid together or his hand on the small of her back. She was balanced when he touched her. Equal parts calm and angry. Not angry at him of course, but anger was part of her. But with Hawk it was like her anger was allowed to exist. They had taken their frustrations out of each other before either through words or actual fighting. But now she felt like Hawk was the only person who understood the bubbling in her stomach and the heat rising in her veins. And when he touched her that went away. In the sunset, with her in his arms, she was happy. She could finally say she was happy. He put her down into the water and Sam groaned when her feet touched the ground.

"Why'd you put me down? I liked being in your arms."

Sam opens her arms, waiting for him to pick her up. But he doesn't. Instead he holds her head in his hands and kisses her on the forehead. He pulls back and stares at her for a while.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to remember you."

His thumb rubs her cheek and suddenly her body's on fire again. He just keeps looking at her. Like he's absolutely devouring her beauty.

"Take a picture it'll last longer."

Sam croaks the words out but still finds herself entranced by his gentle touch.

"I will. But raw memories are always better. They have real emotion y'know?"

"Yea, real emotion."

Hawk smiled and gives her another kiss on the forehead, pulling her into a hug. They danced in the water, heads laid on one another and arms around waists. It was slow and quiet but it was peaceful. It created an "energy" as Moon would call it. She felt safe and her worries went quiet. Who knew that Hawk of all people could make her feel like this? Sam starts to imagine what could've been if Hawk had left Cobra Kai when Miguel did, or never been to Cobra Kai at all. If he'd never been to Cobra Kai then they probably wouldn't be in this position and honestly? Sam's stomach turned at the thought. She'd be missing out on a friend that she had always wanted. The type of connection that happens in day but lasts forever. Her and Hawk were forever. Forever friends, of course.

You're my best friend, I'll love you forever Where stories live. Discover now