Chapter 1

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Tyler was awakened by the morning wake up call. She rolled out of her bunk and stumbled down to the breakfast table. Willow and Caleb were in deep conversation when she walked out and they stood up a little to hastily when they saw her.

"Jaden and Tristian haven't returned." Caleb spat out quickly.

Willow smacked Caleb lightly on the head. "We were going to ease her into it."

Tyler felt like she had been punched in the stomach. Jaden.......

They had sent Jaden and Tristian out into The Woods yesterday to find some food, hoping they would return by nightfall, before They came out. Twenty-four hours later, there was not sign of them.

"I'll come back safe. I promise I'll come back safe." Jaden had promised.

"I love you" Tyler kissed him.

He had rapped his arms around her. That was one of the first time Tyler had felt safe in a while, rapped in Jaden's arms.

It didn't last long. "I have to go.' he had said abruptly.

Those were his last words to me.

Tyler was ripped out of the past was the doors bursting open.

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