Chapter 3

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-Maddison's pov-
I heard people talking and sat up quickly but I calmed down once I remembered what happen last night, this made me slightly nervous but I got up and got dressed in my clothes from yesterday. But before I could opened the door I heard a knock, I told the person to come in an a woman with white hair and a kind smile walked in holding folded clothes. She smiled and said, "Hello Logan told me you stayed last night and I thought maybe some fresh clothes would be nice for you." I thanked her and said, "Thank you I'm Maddison," she smiled and said, "Ooroor but everyone calls me Storm."

-Storm's pov-
Maddison came out of the room with her old clothes folded, I smiled and said, "Come let's get you feed before you have to leave." She smiled and thanked me again but when we arrived to the dinning room the food was burnt, I asked what happen when Kurt apologized and told us he wanted to help. Logan sighed but Maddison looked at me and said, "I can help just show me the kitchen please," I went to tell her she didn't have too when Logan told me to let her.

-Logan's pov-
Maddison smiled at me and Storm lead the way while Kurt and Scott threw the burnt food out, Charles asked if her cooking was good when I chuckled and said, "you'll see for yourself." Soon Maddison came out with Storm with plates full of food, once all the dishes were out they came to join us. I got up holding the chair out beside me for Maddison, she smiled and thanked me as I push her in.

-Maddison's pov-
The kids and older adults filled their plates and started eating, I filled mine with pancakes and scrabbled eggs. But as I ate I heard the kids rushing down there food till I heard, "This is amazing no the best please cook for us for now own Ms." And I saw it was the kids the boy with an accent spoke about how my cooking reminded him of home when I smiled and said, "I'm flattered but I bet Storm or any of you could cook like this."

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