School Kisses (France)

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You always knew Francis would be a beautiful boy. His father is handsome and you would even admit yourself to be, at the least, pretty.
You prove yourself right as you look at your adorable son walking off to the bus. Tears blurred your vision but you kept a smile on your lips as you watched the bus scoot and toot down the road.
"First day of the first grade is always a hard one isn't it?" Your old neighbor, Cynthia, asked, wistfully looking into the distance as if remembering something. You nod your head in agreement and look at her. "Good morning, Cynthia." She smiled at you and shook her hand holding her cane in acknowledgement. "And to you, dear."

It was very uneventful that day without you son. Francis always wanted to do something and you would be happy to do it with him if you weren't busy making dinner or cleaning. You are a wonderful stay at home mum but sometimes it got so boring when Francis was taking naps or at a friends house.
You waited outside for your son to come home, checking the time constantly to make sure the bus will be on time. You decided to calm yourself down and rest your head on your hand, closing your eyes as if you were readying for sleep.
"Mère!" Your eyes shot open to your title you gained when Francis was born. Even a deaf man could hear the tears in his voice.
"Bébé?!" You get up and run to the sidewalk leading to your homes front door, squat down and open your arms for your son to run into them.
"Bébé, what's the matter?" You said in a soothing voice, stroking your sons golden locks.
He sniffled and looked up at you with teary eyes.
"A-a girl.."
Your face contorts in confusion and anger. Is he getting bullied by some little-
"She smooched my cheek!"
He nuzzled his face into your neck as you process what he said. You giggled and patted his back, relieved.
"Here let me make it better."
You pressed your lips on his left cheek and smile down at him.
"..It was the other one.."
You rolled your eyes playfully and kiss his other cheek, leaning back up to see a grin plastered on his face.
"It was really the other cheek wasn't it? You just wanted a kiss from mummy." Now it's your turn to grin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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