Chapter One

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My alarm went off at 5:30 am sharp. I rolled over, still exhausted. It had been a year since my sleeping habits were forced to change and I still wasn’t used to waking up this early. October 27th. One year since I lost Lauren. And many many years since I lost Abby. Sometimes I think the universe has it in for me. I rolled out of bed and went to wake up my daughter. The schedule wasn’t easy for her either. The child that used to be able to sleep until 7 now had to wake up with me every morning because her mama couldn’t take her to school every morning anymore. Lauren was the stay at home mom in our relationship. She did all the activities for Sofi and I did all the working, that’s why I had always walked to and from work, no matter the weather, so that Lauren could use my car whenever it was needed. Even though I was a psychologist, we never had enough money to sit comfortably. So we had a small house, and one car, but we were okay with that, because we were happy. Sofi and I had our normal routine of getting dressed, eating, and then heading out the door and to the car. We got to my office right at 6:30 which is exactly when I had to be there. I let Sofi sit behind the reception desk and color like always since we didn’t have to leave the office until 7:45. I went to the back and got my office set up until I heard the door open due to the bells I had hanging from it. Sofi got to the stranger and started talking to her before I did, which was weird of her since she was always shy. 

“Sof, what’d I tell you about talking to strangers. We never have problems like this, you always are quiet around new people” 

“Sorry mommy” Sofi said as she went back to her coloring spot but continued to watch the stranger and I interact. 

“Hi, my name is Camila, I’m sorry for just walking in.. my friend Dinah.. She said you’re a friend of her family and I just got out of college and was looking for a job and she suggested coming here and I’m sorry I knew I shouldn’t have come”

“Oh, no no it’s fine, Camila, is it? I’m Dr. y/ln, the head psychologist here. What position were you looking to have?” 

“I mean, I’ll be honest, I have no experience in psychology.. Dinah just mentioned that you needed a receptionist..?” 

“Not anymore, you’re hired, when can you start?” 

“It’s.. that easy?”

“Not typically. But for you.. Anyways, when can you start again?” 

“Uh um right now, if that’s good for you..?” 

“Of course. Sof, show her the ropes” I said giving her a wink. “That’s my daughter, Sofia, by the way” I added. “And Sofi this is-”

“Camila!” Sofi finished my sentence excitedly, making me blush and the beautiful girl beside me chuckle. 

“Pleasure to be working along side you Sofi” Camila said, very professionally while shaking my daughters hand, earning a giggle from Sofi. 

“Right so um, I’m going to go finish opening up, I have to leave at 7:45 to take Sofia to school but the school is close so I’ll only be gone for about 20 minutes. Do you think you could hold down the fort while I’m gone? There shouldn’t be anyone coming really, unless someone comes early. This way I just don’t have to completely lock up, y’know?” 

“Yeah I can do that.. But is she really gonna teach me?” Camila said with a laugh but seriousness in her tone. 

“Yeah, Sofi may only be five, but she’s spent every morning with me here for a year. She’s got a pretty good hold on things. I trust she can teach you, and in case you’re still confused on something you can ask me about it later” I finished, with a smile and began walking into my office in the back. 


“So, madam Sofi, where shall we begin?” 

“Do you like my mommy?” Taken by surprise at the little girls words I blushed and opened my eyes widely. 

“Well, I don’t really know your mommy, but she seems like a really nice person and I look forward to getting closer with her while we work together” 

“I think my mommy likes you” The five year old whispered.

“Well I hope so since she just hired me”

“No, I mean like like you. She acted silly, and gave you the job right away, I think she likes you like the way you get to see the colors” I was so shocked at this little girls knowledge. 

“Ahh so you know about the colors?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“Mhmm, my mommy and mama told me all about them, because they used to talk about how pretty I was to them, and how much they liked the colors my eyes are. And they also did it so I could color better. They helped me learn all the crayon colors so my drawings could be more realistic. They used to point at things at tell me what colors they were.. But not anymore..” 

“Why not..?” I asked, not even caring about the fact that I wasn’t learning about the job at this point because I knew how to be a receptions to be honest and the little girl was intriguing me at this point. 

“Mama died a year ago today.. So now mommy doesn’t have the colors anymore, and it makes her too sad to talk about them. The only time she even thinks about colors now is when I explain my drawings to her. She still cries sometimes, and when I ask her why she just says she’s just really sad that she can’t see mine or mamas beautiful eyes anymore.. But I think I’d be most sad about not seeing MY OWN eyes if I was her. Mama used to talk about mommy’s eyes all  the time. She said she had never seen anything quite like them. She described them to me. Oh I used to love hearing about mommy’s eyes. I can’t wait until I can see them when I fall in love one day” 

“Oh wow.. I’m so sorry for asking honey” 

“Can you see colors? Can you tell me what mommy’s eyes look like today? Mama used to say mommy’s eyes changed colors. Depending on lights and her outfits” 

“I’m sorry baby girl, I can’t see the colors either”

“Did your person die..?” 

“No, I just think I was a late bloomer or something. I’ve never had anyone to love”

“Maybe mommy will change that. You never told me if you really like mommy”

“I don’t know hun, if I find out I do I’ll tell you about it right away, okay? But your mommy seems very very sweet” 

“Okay” She offered a smile. “We can start your teachings now” She continued. 

“Alright cool, let’s get started” I said standing up and listening to the little girl teach me how everything works. Eventually her mom emerged from the office in the back to take Sofi to school. 

“Bye Camila!!” 

“Bye little one” I said, giving her a hug before she ran to grab her blushing mother’s hand. 

“It’ll be really quick, I promise” She said to me. She looked tired and worn out. You could tell being a single mom had taken its toll on her. But she still found a way to make sure her kid had the most normal life possible. I smiled at her. 

“It’s okay, take your time, Sofi did a good job of teaching me, so I can hold it down” She smiled back at me and walked out of the door, as soon as she left I texted Dinah. 

C: OMyGosh you did NOT tell me your counselor was super duper attractive!

D: Ya like her? Yesss. Queen D, captain of the ship SS (your/shipname or y/sn for short). Has the ship sailed yet?

C: No, I doubt she feels that way towards me, and nothing is official yet color wise because I haven’t SEEN the colors yet. But her daughter is super adorbs. And really intelligent. We had a heart to heart. I really like her. 

D: Ahh gettin the gal by gettin close to her kid. I see you Mila.

C: No.. it isn’t like that. We just.. Idk.. Instant

Revive (Camila/You AU) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin