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The others like to make fun of Felix's height.

Peter, although being a demonic entity, actually enjoys playing tag

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Peter, although being a demonic entity, actually enjoys playing tag. And its not just Peter is the entity itself.

Andy doesn't trust his barn now.

They take turns going to the barn to close it up at night. Claus encountered Peter once when it was his turn.

Peter will stalk Andy from the barn.

Margaret makes fun of Andy's height no one else's, (besides Felix), just his.

Melody and Felix like coloring in coloring books then ripping out the pages and taping them to Andy, Claus, or Margaret's walls just to annoy them.

Baylee can fly.

Felix gets cold easily, so usually during winter he's wearing heavy ass jackets.

Melody can also play the guitar, Andy taught her.

The others will sometimes switch (involuntary) from being their normal selves to being one of the Eastwoods + Arthur.

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