~Chapter 1~

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[Not how he really looks it is just to get an idea of it--up to your imagination :D]
(P.O.V. is obvious)
I made Mitch get in his cage, grabbed my phone and placed it in my pocket as I walked out the door. I locked it then went out into town to do what I've been doing lately and this morning before taking a break: looking for a job. They either aren't hiring or just don't want to hire me. Jerks.
I had been vagabonding for so long my feet were almost numb, so I stopped by that café my friends Jeremy and Scott work at. It's a good thing that it's close by. The bell rang as I entered the little building like it does when anyone enters. "Hey Mike!" Scott smiled leaning on the marble counter.

"What brings you by?" "Nothing much. Needed to take a break from job hunting." I huffed with agitation rubbing the back of my head when I spotted a sign next to his somewhat hairy arm. 'Help Wanted'. "You guys are hiring?" This might be my only hope. "Uh yea," He leaned closer whispering to me. "I put a little cockroachie in one of the drinks Billy served and got him fired." he giggled with the accent he said it with. "I'm gonna have to keep my eye on you, might try something." I chuckled setting the sign back down on the counter. "So you want a job here? I'll hire you since boss put me in charge, but he'll have to personally interview you so come by tomorrow at 11:30 sharp or else." I nodded my head vicariously. "I will, thanks Scott." I ran all the way home and straight to my closet to pick something out that didn't make me look like a thug.

'I got a job interview! I just hope I don't get turned down or else I'm done for.' I don't really have fancy clothes, so I picked out my blue long sleeve shirt, long black jeans, red beanie, and dark blue jacket, and dark grey scarf. I really love the color blue and it was the middle of November, the 10th to be exact. My phone vibrated, so I picked it up and answered. "Hello?"
It was Scott.
"Hey Mike, boss said to come in now because he's gonna be busy tomorrow like right now." "I'll be right there, bye." I hung up, threw it on the bed and dressed my self in the clothes I freshly laid out.

After zipping my jacket up and threw the scarf around my neck, I repeated the process of leaving like I did this morning minus Mitch.
I could see the puffs of breath in the cold night air as I jogged down the sidewalk to the café. I took my beanie off and stuffed it in my pocket then entered the building to be greeted by Scott and a tall man with dark purple hair, light violet eyes wearing a white button-up shirt, long purple slacks and dark dark purple shoes. Classy. Must really like purple. "Mike, this is my boss Mr. Nelson."

He walked over and gently grabbed my hand. "Charmed to meet you Mr. Schmidt, the names Nelson, Vincent Nelson." I swear I could feel my face heat up. I shook his hand avoiding eye contact. "M-Mike Schmidt." Did...did I just stutter? I never stutter! What the hell is going on? "Come, we can talk in my office." I nodded while shuffling behind him. Looking over at Scott, he made the shape of a heart with his hands then left. What does that mean? I took a seat in the cushiony chair that stood in front of the desk as he closed the door....and locked it. I swallowed the lump in my throat, a pool of anxiety and nervousness drowning me.

He walked to his seat and bestowed his fancy ass in the chair. Seems a little out of character for a café owner. "So Mr. Schmidt, Scott has informed me that you would like to apply here. He made it seem as if you were rather desperate." Damn you Scott! I scratched my head a bit embarrassed. "Uh n-not really this just l-looked like a d-descent place t-to w-work.." Why do I keep stuttering?! I'm turning into Jeremy! "Hm I see well you can start tomorrow. Here is your uniform." He reached behind the desk fishing an outfit out and placed it on the desk.

"R-Really? Thank you so much!" I snatched it off the desk and examined over it. A smile spread on my face. I gazed up at him and he immediately looked away pretending to be coughing into his hand. The area of his cheeks turned a light pink, it was barely visible. Was he....blushing? I dismissed the thought and stood up. "You start tomorrow at 7:00 AM. Don't be late." I nodded while unlocking the door and left the little room, but a shout stopped me from opening the front door. "Wait!" I turned to face the mannequin like-man. His posture is amazing, he couldn't slouch even if he wanted to. I'm kinda jealous. "Uh, I know this may sound weird and or strange, but you seem like you could use the money. I want to offer you a second job, it pays more than the café."

I'm sorry, what? Did he just offer me a second job? Hmm well, imagine all the money I would have, I could move out of my crappy house and into a real house that I owned instead of rent it! Wait, I only just met the guy and he's my friends boss....
I really need the money.
"L-Like what?" He stuffed his hands in his pockets looking directly at me. Two of his character traits must be confident and bold. "I'd like to have you work at my mansion." Mansion..? A café owner has a fucking mansion?! Maybe that's not all he is, but what?
"I don't know are you sure you want me for a job there?" I'm telling you I can see something pink on his cheeks, yet I still can't see it. He nodded handing me a slip of number. "Yes. Call if you change your mind." I stared at the number then up at him. A smile like the bright sun on a warm morning, bringing a nice feeli- Hold on! What the hell am I thinking?! 'Control yourself Mike. Stop thinking like that! This is your friends boss for fucks sakes!'

I hadn't realized that I had been staring at him, he snapped his fingers in front of me kicking me out of the trance. "It's time for me to close up shop Mr. Schmidt." "O-Oh uh sorry and you c-can just call me M-Mike.." He nodded before heading to his office. I ran out the building straight to my house.
'Note: Don't fall in love with Vincent..n-not that I-I w-would or anything. Gah! Get it together, man!'
After entering my shitty domain, I took a quick shower, set my alarm and went to bed.
Vincent's P.OV.•
Who was that young man and why does he make my heart ache and quiver? I must say he is quite the fellow, I can't seem to take my mind off of him.
'Stop thinking like that! You can't go falling in love all willy-nilly especially not with your employees friend who is now an employee as well!' I bonked myself on the head as I retrieved my jacket and key from the office, locked the café, then got into my fuchsia Ferrari while starting the engine and rushed off home.
--Time Skip
I pulled into the drive way and exited the car, locking it with my violet car keys. I grabbed my doorknob and to my surprise it was already open. I stepped inside to see my butler Fritz cowered in the corner with a serving pan protecting him from Chris, a comrade of mine and also the man hovering over him. Penelope giggled while snapping pictures from in the kitchen. Nicole was sweeping the stairs on the second floor glaring down at Penelope.

"Y'know you could help me or Fritz instead of just taking pictures." She huffed with agitation not noticing I was at the door. I sighed as I walked over to them and rested my hand in his shoulder. They stared at me. "Please leave my butler alone, you do this every time I leave the house. I don't even know how you get in." He flashed a grin a grin at Fritz then walked out of the door, but spoke to him before leaving.
"I'll be back." Fritz grumbled. "You always do." He trudged off to the kitchen, his cheeks a bright pink. "Oh hello sir, we didn't see you enter." Penelope laughed nervously hiding her camera in the pocket of the maids dress that reached her ankles. "That's quite alright, I just plan to take a bath then head to bed." "I'll run you a bath then."

Nicole set the broom down and skipped up the stairs to the bathroom. Tina and Elaine must have went home since they're the the only non live-in-maids.
I had a weird feeling about Tina when I hired her, but as always I shrugged it off like I do with most things. I traveled up the stairs to my room and picked out a purple nightgown with thin blue stripes and my towel then sat at my desk, put on my red reading glasses and began reading the book I started a few days ago: Drunk off you. It's a really good book, I can't help getting caught up in it sometimes I become late or miss important meetings. "Your bath is ready, sir!" Nicole hollered from outside the room. "Thank you!" I marked my place in the book, took my glasses off and entered the room of bathing while closing the door. Striping my clothes off, I set them on the low-hanging rack. I dipped my toe in the lukewarm water then relaxed my body into it. Very relaxing. I grabbed my loofa and squirted two drops of soap on it, scrubbing my body to remove the dirt and filth that coated my skin.
After doing so, I rinsed it off and repeated the process. I drained the water from the tub then dried myself off, putting my pj's on.

"Goodnight everyone." I say after putting my things away and entered my room. Multiple 'goodnights' came from different rooms as I turned my lamp off and crawled under my blanket. I wonder if that Mike fellow is asleep right now-'Ugh! Stop it man, snap out of it! I think I'm losing it...maybe it wouldn't be that bad to be curious, I mean lost of people get curious about different things that are even as bad as this. Maybe some sleep will help me think clarity.' I turned on my side and closed my eyes while pulling the covering over me, drifting into sleep.

If only I'd known that wasn't all to my curiosity about the young man.

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