Chapter 1

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"Hey Louis have you signed up for presale to get tickets to see the man of your dreams?" His friend Jade says

Louis smirked and blushed as he nodded "well of course I have , did you really need to ask?" He says as he chuckled cutely. He felt sick to his stomach with nerves, it was like it was the end of the world in Louis mind if he didn't get a ticket. Louis had been fantasying what it be like meeting Harry in the flesh.

"I can already tell you're nervous, look at you " Jade says

"Shut up I can't help it okay I'm nervous just thinking about it and you don't want to know how high my anxiety level is." Louis says

Jade laughs "oh Louis you're so cute , I love you to bits" she says as they were sat in a cafe with coffees.

Louis sat back on a couch and a coffee in his hand. He wore a black hoodie and black skinny jeans. He kept his hood up all the time. He had bags under his eyes as he was mentally exhausted , he suffers with depression but the only thing in life keeping him going is Harry.

His friend Jade was afraid of anything happening to him if he didn't get tickets. She made sure she had signed up for tickets also just incase . She is Louis best friend , only friend actually , he could trust her with his life.

"Just try and relax you're mind for now until tomorrow morning at least." Jade says as she looked at him.
"Yeah I guess" Louis says as he bites his lip and sips his coffee.
Harry was in rehearsals non stop all week long but he was ready for his tour and wanted to get out there and do it already. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with a soft pink towel as he was dancing around playfully and singing here and there.

He looked at the empty chairs in front of him and smiled wondering if he'd actually find someone he loves. Truth is people may think Harry has this perfect life and that guys and girls were all over him. But in reality he was alone , he had his friends , bodyguard and family but the one thing he wants is someone to care for and cherish.

"Alright that's wrap for today Harry !" His manager called out
Harry sighs and gulped down his water. He wore a white shirt and flared black trousers.

His manager Rhys walks to him "That was great harry , you're gonna smash this tour !" He says praising him up.

Harry nods and smiled as he walks to his dressing room and sat down in front of mirror and wipes his face more with a towel and sighed as he looked at himself . He was beautiful, his curls sat perfectly on his head and you could see his tattoos through his shirt.

Harrys bodyguard Edward knocked before entering . "Hey haz so you ready for tour?" He says

"Ready as I'll ever be " Harry says

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