Chapter 2

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The next morning came and Louis had woken up early specially. He gulped and opened up his laptop and got onto the ticket page and waited for the count down. He got a message from Jade. "I'm guessing you're up and ready?" She texted.

"Yup!" He replied and place his phone down and sighs he couldn't take the nerves anymore. His eyes watered a bit at the thought of not seeing Harry in person . All of a sudden the countdown went down and he was put into a que. He sighed frustrated hating the wait as it was taking sometime. 20 minutes in and Louis got into the website and all the tickets has gone. "W-what?!" He gulped as his tears started to fall and he through his laptop. He slowly broke down into tears. He put his head down on his desk and sobbed.

There were a few texts that popped up on Louis phone from Jade. "Hey did you get them!!!" She texted

Louis didn't answer

A little later Louis was in the cafe again as he sat a high breakfast table as he looked out the window. His eyes looked sore and puffy , he just looked so sad venerable.

His nose was pink from the cold outside , he just felt empty and felt like there was no hope or happiness for him

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His nose was pink from the cold outside , he just felt empty and felt like there was no hope or happiness for him. He sniffled as he looked down at his hands with his hood up covering his face. He didn't bother looking on his phone as he would only see other peoples happiness in getting tickets.

He was truly broken as he let a tear slip.
Jade suddenly walks into the cafe and saw him. "Hey what's wrong ?" She asked as she hugged him from behind. He whimpered

"Ohh no Louis you didn't get the tickets ?" She says as she sat next to him and rubs his back.

"N-no I didn't " he says as he tried to keep it together.

"Well that's just too bad because look" she says as she held up her phone and she had managed to get two tickets to see Harry.

Louis grabbed her phone quickly "y-you got... you got the tickets!!!" He said a little loud. His eyes watered as he hugged Jade so close. "Y-you don't know what this means to me Jade , thank you so much " he says as he held her and closed his eyes. He was finally going to meet Harry.

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