Chapter Four

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Great just great, was that was running through my mind has i worked up the stairs to my dads office. As soon as I step through the doors there's dad looking throught the glass wall, you know what I'm to disappointed  to even look at you, ouch that hurt, you started a fight Tara when you step into them school gates you represent this pack and you made us look like violent people, your brothers and sister i expected that from but not you. That really hurt hearing him say that, all I wanted to shout was I didn't started the fight but what's the point know believed me earlier. Tara as your punishment your not going to your birthday dinner or to Flip Out like our mother and I were taking you and your siblings, but because we already paid your best friend Kelly is going inside of you. WHAT this is bull shit you cant do that I shouted. I can and I will my dad said calmly. But I didn't even start the fucking fight, that stupid slut did but no-one believes me I shouted , I then turned around and started to run, when I pulled open the doors my siblings and mother fell forward, I quickly pushed them out of my way and run straight to my house to my room while my mother was shouting at me to stop.

one word can describe how i feel right now shit, they all when out without me that includes Kelly yep that the Bitch went without my dad even having to us his alpha voice on her, the bitch just agreed, guest  you want to know how I know this, well its all over facebook, well fuck setting around feeling like shit im going for a run.

You may want to know why I'm running in human form, well I haven't shifted yet I shift at midnight tonight and I don't want to be near my family when it happens, they leave me here they don't get to be near me when I shift, looking down at mt phone I found it 11, 1 hour till go time, I start running towards my secret cave my sister and I found , when we were younger only we know about it.

I got to the cave around 11:30 haft hour to go YAY, I'm going for a swim, after I have a swim I go and check my phone, 30 missed calls and 20 messages all basically saying where are you and we are coming to find you, I just hope my sister is to stupid to come and look for me here, 10 minutes to midnight, I'm starting to regret my plan of doing this on my own I thought. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my back, I fell to the ground while agonising pain whizz through my body for about 10 minutes then it all stopped I looked down and saw white fluzzy fur, I shifted without them I did it, I didn't die yes!

I started running I fell over once or twice ok maybe three times, when all of a sudden I hear someone call me a retard wait who called me that, I did said the voice and who is I, I replyed your wolf stupid. That probably explains it, my names Tara, already know that special, such a nice wolf aren't you that was your que to say your name, oh right my name skyla, all of a sudden my head hurt, I looked around and found out a walked straight into a tree, ouch that hurt, then I heard TARA JAYNE ELIZABETH HARPER HERE KNOW I looked over to my right and saw a very angry dad oops, hun isn't she beautiful asked my mother, shes all white wait what I'm all white that so cool I thought, my siblings started to laugh, what their problem, we can hear your thought retard said jackson. That enough said my father, Tara shift back, um shit mum told me this once um what is it, think of your human form daring said my mother while throwing me some clothes, I picked them up and walked behind a tree to shift. Once changed I walk back out to my family and waited for dads rage.  

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