Body shaming

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This is kinda a part two of the last one but no really.... you'll see what I mean

I hate people who think body shaming is just fat shaming. I don't think people realize that there is such thing as skinny shaming. A lot of people might think it's nothing but it's just as hurtful...
So why the fuck are you saying "ur still beautiful babe🥺" to a fat person but "u should eat more" to a skinny person.... from what I'm seeing YOURE the body shamer.....body shaming has its explanation in its name...shaming people for their body. Notice how i said body? I didn't say shaming people for being fat, that's called fat shaming  which is JUST shaming people for being fat
A body is a body it doesn't matter if it's fat or skinny it's still a body.. SO HOW BOUT U START FOLLOWING UR OWN RULES!!! Asshole.   Just stop body shaming. Which includes fat and skinny people

I just hate when people do this, stresses me out
Whatever ily guys

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