Past, Present, Future

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- Gross. Aren't you ashamed of showing your face? - Two guys were towering over an obviously younger boy. - You idiot.

- Aren't you the idiot here? - Hansol cut the guy's speech. - What has he done wrong?
- Dude, can't you see? -The other in he room interviened. The bullied boy was just sobbing, head hung low. - He's a fag. He's an embarrassment of society.
- I think youre more of an embarrassment though. Two versus one? That isn't very fair, is it?
- Oh that can be solved quickly. If you're so concerned about him, why don't you just join him?
-What? - Hansol looked at the other confused. And that was how Hansol was also labeled a fag, an embarrassment of society, according to his perpetrators.

- Kim Fagsol. - He sighed. New day, same people, same comments. Everyday he would be called that and everyday he would ignore it.
- Why are you talking with that? - Some guy approached the girls that were teasing Hansol about some other dude. - Be careful, he might have some weird disease. - One of the girls chuckled.
- Shouldn't you be more worried, oppa? About yourself, I mean. He might jump you.
- Oh yeah. Quick, let's get away from the trash. - And so they did, giggling between themselves. Hansol was free for some moments untill the teacher arrived and started class. Same routine everyday.

During lunch he heard the talks of the people around him as he was heading for the bathroom with his lunchbox and earphones on. He still noticed the glances he was given and he didn't really have to listen to know what was being said.

"He's gay..." "He takes it in the ass." "I heard hed do anyone." "Someone told me he saw him at a motel with an older guy." "I heard he sells his body."

All lies. Handol did none of that. He wasn't even gay.That's what he told himself everynight. He had to verify the reality by constantly reminding himself of the facts. Denying his sexuality helped him maintain his sanity, repeating that what he was accused of wasnt true. He only ever had a crush once and that was when he found out about his sexual orientation. It was a classmates of his in middle school, but said classmate only stayed in his class for 3 months. Enough time for Hansol to discover feelings he never had. Now in highschool, though, he didnt even dare to look at other people.

He locked the door to the last bathroom stall before siting on the toilet eating his lunch. His momentary peace was broken though, when a good amount of water hit him from above.

- You filthy faggot! - Someone shouted and he heard them laughing as they walked away. He got up, his food now spoiled, threw it away, went to his locker for the spare clothes and back to the bathroom to change. On his way to afternoon class he got tripped once and fell face first on the floor, which gave him a bloody nose. The laughter and mocking didn't bother him as much as the liquid running down his face. He felt relieved though as now he had an excuse to go home.

And this is how his everyday went until he got into Stardom.

- Hyung... That was a normal day for you? - Hansol nodded. The bkue haired boy was on the verge of tears. From remembering his past, from talking about it, from a fellow ToppDogg finding out abiut this pitiful side of his. The part of his life he desperately wanted to forget. - And you went through it all alone? - Another nod. - Hyung... - B-joo stared at the other male sitting on the bed next to him. Hansol bit his lip and lowered his gaze to the floor. - Hyung. - When the older looked up he suddenly had a pair of arms wrapping around him and a head resting next to his.

- B-Byungjoo...
- Hyung, I'm sorry... - Hansol's tears started falling down. He had been keeping them in check while telling his story.
- For what? - He spoke slowly.
- For not being there for you.
- You didnt even know me then, pabo. - He was crying but felt touched by his dongsaengs words.
- Hansol hyung, thise people were bastards, you didn't deserve any of that... - Hansol hugged him back and hummed. B-joo leaned back to look at him. - I'm here now, and I will help you with whatever. - He cleaned the other's tears with his thumbs. - I promise. - The youngest was also tearing up now.
- Thank you... Byungjoonieh... Thank you... - He choked on a sob and started letting the sobs out, leaning his forehead on the younger's shoulder, who stroke his hair, soothing him.
- Let it out hyung... Because after today, I won't let you cry again.

The older boy fell asleep after crying his heart out and when Xero entered the room B-joo just shushed him with a finger over his lips before whispering. - Help me get him into bed. - To what Xero immediately obeyed. When their hyung was safely tucked into bed Xero couldnt help but ask what happened to which B-joo just shrugged, saying Hansol had hurt his pibky toe earlier. It wasnt a very good of an excuse and he knew it but the maknae of the room seemed to buy it

He didn't though.

Soooooo... I know it's short and sorry for sucking at this... I actually had some trouble creating his past... I even asked my mom for help and explained what I wanted and she told me I was being really cruel to the boy... I HAD TO. It's for the story.. Mianhaeyo Hansol oppa  ㅠㅠ

So, as always, I ask for your feedback because it's what makes me wnat to keep writing. And from previous comments, I will just keep on writing until my brain explodes and I run out of ideas for this~
Of course, your ideas are always welcomed, and I might mix them with what I already have  :3

I'm off to bed now~  Hope you enjoy reading it~  ♡♡♡

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