leaving the hospital and for Australia

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Well it's been a week and half and I'm still waiting on the doctor to bring my discharge papers but I'm thinking about what I'm going to pack first I know I'm packing my surfboards last but I'm trying to figure that out knock knock am I interrupting no just trying to figure out what I need to pack when I get home But I do need to ask you something am I cleared to fly where are you flying to Australia SydneyYes you are cleared to fly to Australia

Time skip to the house and after she packed all her clothes Hailey Iris yes mom let's go to your aunt Alyces okay Michael yeah you can come too okay Can I finish packing yeah when we get back okay you need a break so let's go

Time skip to Aunt Alyces SURPRISE what the heck mom when did you manage this well earlier today actually we finished it why I what is everyone doing here they want to say goodbye to you hey uncle Charles so when do you leave tomorrow morning 9:00 is when the plane leaves how you feeling nervous I mean I'm going to Australia and I've always wanted to go got everything ready for the most part I still need to pack my wetsuits and surfboards hey dad yes Hailey I've got a question can I have a dog right now no eventually yes I'd like to get you fully recovered before we go dog shopping is that a yes it's a yes you can get a dog or 2 when YES WHEN YOU ARE RECOVERED okay Okay dad thank you your welcome kiddo
Hailey Kyle hey how are you feeling today um pretty good nervous about flying but I figured I'd sketch if I get bored

Hailey were going to miss you I'll miss y'all too

Time skip to after the party

Hailey have you finished packing your clothes yeah except the outfit I'm wearing tomorrow okay you excited for tomorrow yeah and a little nervous but I'm going to miss mom you know I know but you can take the private jet once it gets out of the shop to visit her Wait we have a private jet yeah we have 5 well I do I don't know how many your grandparents have

Then why are we flying commercial because the jet in Sydney is in the shop the others are spread out all over Australia okay

Wait what about my violin pack it okay I was just worried that it would be broken no

The outfit with the black jeans is what she is wearing to board

Time skip to the morning at 6am Hailey what are you doing up well I was going to go for one last run before we go but now I'm not so sure no don't go for a run we have to be at the airport in about an hour okay you want to go get ready and then go say bye to your mom okay

Time skip after shower and bagging up her shampoo and conditioner and her body wash and getting dressed..... Mom can I come in sure sweetheart what's up me and dad are fixing to leave I think I just um wanted to say goodbye to you and tell you that I love you Oh sweetheart I'm going to miss you too I wish I could see you off I know but I plan to video my entire journey from here to when I board and then I will be videoing when we land to when we get to dad's house and Kyle is seeing me off and Kelly and his friends are coming so I'm not going to be alone on the flight I know I love you mom I got to go put my shampoo and conditioner and body wash in my bag along with my tooth brush in my backpack okay I love you love you too

Sawyer can I come in yeah hey I just wanted to tell you that I'm fixing to leave okay do you have to go yeah bud I do mom and my dad came to an agreement years ago plus the only reason why I'm going now is because my dad can protect me better but you know what what you can call me anytime day or night you can even video call me and you know what if you absolutely need me I can always hop on a plane and I'll come to you okay okay I love you Hailey I love you too Sawyer always now I really got to go finish packing hey Hailey can I see you off with Kyle I'm okay with but go ask mom okay Okay Mom yes Sawyer can I see off Hailey with Kyle please...Okay go get ready and be ready in 15 minutes otherwise you can't okay Yes that's a yes

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 22 ⏰

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