My Sunflower

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Russia x Reader (My Sunflower)

You slowly walked down the middle of the main hallway to your school with a smile on your face. You were a nice person. At least, that was what you thought. You actually were sweet, but in your own way. Your insults were more endearing although people didn't get that more often that not. Yes, you were a violent person. You had learned that it kept the bad people away.... But it did the same to the good. Every time you smiled at someone, they shivered in fear. You didn't have many friends, but even the ones you had thought you were scary, which confused you.

Recently, you had been noticing more and more how people reacted towards you. It was almost enough to make the joyful smile that adorned your face go away, but you tried to be strong and hide the sorrow that filled your soul. You sighed, feeling a bit of sadness leak into your posture and facial expression. You slowly and dejectedly walked over to your locker, and the people around it cleared away within a matter of mere seconds. You slouched over even more. You didn't understand why people were so scared of you. Sure, you could be scary, but that could be a good thing. Maybe if they got to know you more they would understand, but no one dared.

You suddenly felt really depressed. Would people always see the outside of you, or would there be anyone who was strong enough to look inside and accept you for everything you were? You grabbed your books and turned back around, realizing that there were only a few people left in the hallway, which meant that you didn't have to keep your smile on for too much longer. You had one more class that you were planning on skipping and then you had a free period before you went back home. And then you could be around your pet cat whom you'd named Russia. At least that fur ball wasn't scared of you. Though then again, you didn't necessarily know if that was true of all animals. Just recently you had tried to pet a cat and it ran away from you, hissing. It made you kind of mad so you chased some kid around, threatening to kill him. You saw another cat and figured you had better not try your luck a second time and continued chasing the boy.

You looked up and realized that you had been standing in the hallway, staring down at the floor. A very tall boy walked into your line of vision. He walked over to his locker, grabbed his books and turned around. He caught you staring at him. You blinked a bit and blushed slightly, but smiled your usual smile. You figured he'd give you a weird look or get scared and run away, but the strangest thing happened. He smiled right back at you. Your (e/c) eyes widened. 'Wha....' You thought in confusion. You studied each other further, and you discovered that he had violet colored eyes and very light blonde hair. He, for some reason, wore a white scarf around his neck. It wasn't even that cold outside. From that very moment he piqued your interest.

"Hello? You.... You do realize you're staring at me, da?" The boy's Russian-accented words broke through your train of thought. He gave you a small smile and waved a hand in front of your face. You laughed a bit and pushed his hand away.

"Sorry. I zoned out..." You explained, trailing off and looking away with a bit of embarrassment. He gave a light-hearted laugh and tousled your hair.

"You'd better pay attention, da? You might get hurt." He cautioned with a bit of amusement in his voice. You were talking to him like you had been good friends with him for forever. You blushed after his hand left your (h/c) strands.

"Uh... Well.... I am actually pretty aware of my surroundings. Usually, I notice everything..." You said, giving a creepy smile to a boy who decided it would be a wonderful time to walk over to where you both were. You weren't going to have him ruin your one chance at having a decent friend. He shivered and began walking in the other direction. The boy in front of you turned to see what happened. You mentally freaked out. 'Oh great, (y/n)! Look what you did!! Now he's probably gonna think you're some sort of weird person....' You thought, nearly face-palming. 

But when he looked back at you, he wasn't giving you a weird look. Rather, he was giving you one of surprise.

"People run like scared little children from you too?" He asked in disbelief. You looked away sadly.

"Oh.... Uhm... Yeah. I guess you could say it like that." You said, looking down at your feet, shuffling from one foot to the other in anxiety.

"Oh... My bad.  I didn't mean to make it sound like that, da? It's just have been used to treatment like that for while now..." He trailed off. You looked back up at him. You could tell that his English wasn't the best, but you liked the fact that he was probably from another country. 'He's so interesting...' You thought.

"It's fine. I have too. I just never understand why they do that. It has made me sad lately." You said, holding one arm and looking down. He slipped his fingers under your chin and tilted your head back up to look at him. You blushed as he stared into your eyes with intensity.

"Do not worry, da? You have me now! I will be your friend, мой подсолнечника..." He trailed off on a happy note and you nodded, looking down. 'So he is Russian...' You thought in confirmation. He grabbed your arm and began to lead you off to your next class, which you already knew you shared with him. You had sneaked a peek at his schedule while he wasn't looking. Suddenly, your (e/c) eyes widened.

"Wait.... I never got your name!" You said, implying that you wanted to know. He turned back to look at you with a very happy smile on his face.

"It's Ivan, da? Ivan Braginski. And what about you, подсолнечник?" He asked. You smiled back at him.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)! It's a pleasure to meet you Ivan~!" You said playfully, giving a sweet smile and a small laugh. He laughed as well and played along.

"The pleasure is all mine, (y/n)~" He replied and you both laughed. There was a moment of silence before you reached your next class.

"Hey Ivan, I just have one more question." You stated as he put his hand on the door knob and looked back at you with a smile.

"Da?" He spoke, giving you the go ahead to ask him whatever you wanted.

"You said something in Russian earlier... And I was just wondering.... What did you say?" You asked, curiosity leaking into your voice. A blush tinted his cheeks as his beautiful violet eyes widened and he turned back around, gripping the door handle once again.

"I called you 'my sunflower.'" He answered and immediately opened the door, walking quickly inside. You hesitated before following him, a blush of your own making its way onto your face before you smiled. 'Well, this will surely be interesting.... How cute~!' You thought, looking at him from across the room as you sat in your own seat. That adorable blush still adorned his cheeks. Later, after you had become the best of friends with Ivan, he took you to a sunflower field and asked you to be his girlfriend among the warm, bright sunflowers and sunset.

Just a hint:

You said yes.

My Sunflower (Russia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now