1. May I?

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Summary: Y/n and Camilo are forced to go to a family ball together. Y/n can't stand Camilo, and he knows it.
They were childhood friends, till something changed.

Enjoy ☝️(E.T finger touch)
"Do you love me?"

Y/n's pov:
They say that you never forget the person who damages you abundantly, I believe that's presumably true.

On the other hand, you may have to be around that person 24/7, and there's no way you can forget him.

"Y/n!" Camilo shrieked. My head lolled up after gazing at the floor, for so long. 

"What do you want?" I implored as he jogged into my house.

"You and I, have to go to a ball, together." he puffed from the running.

"Why?" I interrogated, appalled.

"Don't get too excited." he scoffed.

"Because we're the solely two out of everyone in the village that isn't betrothed or married." he hissed.

I snickered.

"That's because our only options are each other." he rolled his eyes at my snide comment.

"We're going whether you like it or not. Mirabel wants you to try on dresses with her. Please cooperate." he responded plainly, very unlike him.

"O-ok." I glimpsed back down.

**time skip**
(2nd person perspective)

"Mira? Mira?" you shouted throughout the home.

She appeared bounding down the stairs, her curly hair bouncing with a sense of its own.

"Ready?" she inquired as she grabbed her satchel from the hooks.

"Yup," you replied wearily.

~ after hours if gown shopping and sewing~

You finally decided on a beautiful floor-length dress.

You finally decided on a beautiful floor-length dress

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You still felt miserable, however. A dress that pretty should have been on the happiest girl in the world, and you were far from it.
The whole time, all you could think about was how Camilo wouldn't glow as you walked out, he wouldn't tell you how he believed you were the most perfect soul in the world, and he wouldn't ever say those three fateful words.

"Oh, Y/n! You look like a queen!" Mirabel breathed. You glowed sadly.

"I can't wait to see you with it tomorrow night!" She exclaimed

"You too, your dress is beautiful."

Her dress was a gorgeous colorful wispy dress.

"I've gotta go, you better have some rest and food!" She yelled out, departing the boutique, worrying about me like a mother

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"I've gotta go, you better have some rest and food!" She yelled out, departing the boutique, worrying about me like a mother.

"Yeah, that most definitely will not happen." You mumbled.

**time skip** *next night*

"Mi Amor! Where are you?" hearing Camilo's faux voice earned a silent sob from you, as you picked up your gown and fixed your hair.

You descended the steps, miserably and gracefully

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You descended the steps, miserably and gracefully. In his eyes there flickered a glimpse of sorrow and pride.

He gleamed a smile slightly.

"Perfect. You look perfect," he whispered. Head-turning, your eyes showed a look of wonder at how he knew that's what you needed him to say.

As you got to the ball together opening the gate, you both put on fictitious smiles.

After a full evening of no actual dances between the two of you, you were fed up, felt dreadful, and shattered, again.

Glistening diamonds of tears slowly tumbled from your cheeks.

You curled up beside a wall of the casita and cradled yourself back and forth.

As silent sobs escaped your mouth, you felt arms wrap around you. You jumped.

"It's ok, it's just me." There it was. His voice. You adored and despised it so much.

"Why are you crying, mi Princesa?" he asked.

"You," you replied honestly. He looked down at you. 

"What?" he asked gently.

"It hurts so much when the only person who means the world to you ignores you," you explained simply.

"When all you crave is to be in their arms, but at the same time want nothing to do with them."
You whimpered.

He blinked bewildered.

"Wha-... Do you love me?" he asked pulling you to face him.

You nodded wearily.

"What did I ever do to hurt you?" he asked sorry.

"Her. Lila, when we were little. Then when we had a chance again, you acted as though you hated me. So, for years I've been the subject of ridicule by you." you whispered.

He tugged your waist towards him. He draped his arms around you tighter and kissed your forehead.

"I'm so sorry, I adore you so much. I never wished to hurt you. I guess I was just...  There's no justification I'm so ashamed."
He began quietly crying too. You held him, enjoying the silence and each other.

After the party was over and everyone had gone, you two sat drained on two of the remaining chairs.

You had never gotten a chance at even one dance.

"May I?" you glanced up to see Camilo's hand stretched out to meet yours.

"Why not?" you laughed softly.

You moved to the music swaying laying your head on his shoulder.

He swiveled his head to meet your lips.

"I love you, mi Amor."

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Camillo Madrigal x Reader: One-shots, Imagines, and HeadcannonsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang