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☠︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄 ☠︎


I STROLLED into class just as the late bell was sounding off. My eyes lazily scanned my classmates to see who was in this hell hole with me. I'm immediately drawn to the front row. 

She already had her notebook and pens out in front of her. A clean page with today's topic printed neatly. Her hands are folded on top of the desk but her curiosity has her head turned to look where the source of the noise was coming from. 

Her eyes met mine and I delivered an exaggerated wink. She merely rolled her eyes and turned her head back to face the front.

Mrs. Falcone gave me a pointed look; I was holding up the class. I moseyed my way back to the back corner desk that was always kept empty for me. 


 Why the fuck did I take this as an elective course? I roll my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time. That's right it was either take psychology or home ec and I can't cook for shit. 

With Charli here, it was a little less boring. Something that actually surprised me the first day I strode into the room was her presence. I thought for sure little miss perfect would take cooking to be the perfect housewife. But then again, why take a class if you already mastered the skill? 

At least that was my reasoning as to why she was in psychology with me right now. Witnessing a sight that I'm accustomed to; her with her head down taking notes. 

"Now class, we are going to move along to our next topic of discussion. What is evil?" 

The new title slide of the PowerPoint popped up along with a cheesy PicsArt picture to accompany it. 

A student raised their hand. "Yes, James?" 


"Can be." 

Of course, Charli raised her hand. "Charli." 

"Evil is really in the eyes of the beholder. Everyone has their own definitions and examples." 

Mrs. Falcone nodded her head in approval. "Very good Charli." 

She switched to the next slide to have the definition as just that. 'Evil has no definition.' 

I was interested, to begin with, but then she whirred on about textbook keywords that definitely lost my attention. I sat twirling my pen in my hand. 

She changed slides again and I distantly hear my pen clatter onto my desk. I freeze, staring at the new image on the board. 

A blown-up photo of a man in a ski mask. The only distinct trait viewable was his blue eyes. They were cold and icy they were a slight shade darker but the close resemblance was enough to set my teeth on edge. 

My heart rate picked up and somehow I felt hot and cold all at once. I needed to get the fuck out of here. 

I didn't waste any time gathering my materials and leaving without notice. Mrs. Falcone continued her lecture without so much as an eye roll. No one else dared to make a fuss either except once again I felt the penetrative gaze exuding heat. 

As soon as I'm out the door, I find a wall to lean against. My knees all but give out from underneath me and my backpack slumps to the floor. 

I put my head in between my knees, trying to slow down my breathing and calm my heart rate. Those eyes weren't the same but disturbingly similar enough to the ones that haunt my dreams. 

Those eyes were a little bit darker and slightly bigger, the gaze sharper—fuck! Stop it. Breath in and breath out. 


My head perked up immediately at the voice. 

"Damelio. Shouldn't you be in class?" I try to produce my usual nonchalance but I feel how flushed my skin is. 

"Why are you sitting in the middle of the hallway?"

I snorted, "Doesn't concern you." My voice shakes slightly as I try to take in more air. 

She raised an eyebrow. She must have picked up on it, son of a bitch. 

"Are you alright?" Her voice actually softens marginally. 

"I'm fine, just tired." 

Her arms crossed in front of her, "You really expect me to believe that?" 

"I don't really give a shit if you believe me or not. Leave me alone." I snapped. I needed her gone before I really lose control. 

Charli strode closer until she was practically in front of my face. I stood up shakily, using the wall as support. 

"I know you're not fine. Just tell me what's wrong." 

"None of your fucking business Damelio." 

I felt like my heart was gonna explode it was pounding so hard. I swear Charli could hear it that's why she tried to reach out to touch my chest.

I couldn't let her feel it so on reflex, I grabbed her wrist. I noted faintly that my whole hand engulfed it. 

I move my face closer and try to pull together the last of my control into a cold voice. "Fuck. Off."

Shit, she's too close, too close.  I back up abruptly and let go of her. I tried not to bruise her wrist but it appeared red anyway. 

I bent down to retrieve my backpack, slinging it on one shoulder and I turn away from her. I almost yelp when I feel fingertips on me. My back convulsed away from her touch. 

I whirl around and manhandle her by the arms to shove her into the wall where I leaned against only moments ago. 

"For the love of God, stay away from me!" My voice pitched higher and I feel my mask slipping. 

I don't pay attention to her expression as my eyes shut automatically to keep the tears at bay. I speed walk down the hall and out the door not caring about the rest of my classes or her



I know it was about damn time I updated my chapter. We gonna continue to be slow about updates for the book so please be patient. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒 | 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐀 |Where stories live. Discover now