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Kelly P.O.V

Couple of days later......

Its been five days and still my wife haven't been found nor my son. I put out a missing person report at the police station, since none of us including her own family havent heard from her.

This just been to much stress on me. I just want to fix everything, but how, how can I even try. As I layed in my bed , balling my eyes out ,i heard a knock at my door.

Kelly: GO AWAY!!!

Mama Adrian: Kelly its your mother and I want to talk to you

Kelly: I am really not in the mood right now mom ,so please go...

I placed the pillow over my face feeling all the regrets again play over in my head several times.

Mama Adrian: kelly you really need to come out of that room now or I will force myself in there

I blanked out what my mama was telling me and cut it up the radio more higher. If I didn't have my wife or son by my side ,what is the point of me even living right now.

As I layed here on my bed, the bedroom door busted wide open.


She busted in and turned my radio off opening the window and throwing my clothes amd food boxes around

Mama Adrian: I can't believe you got this room looking, and smelling like this ,you should be a shame of yourself kelly

Kelly: Mom please get out

Mama Adrian: No kelly, I will not leave until you sit here and listen to me and get your shit together ,cause this can't not happen no please listen to me

She got very demanding with me and looked like she was ready to hit me .I didn't really want to hear shit right now from nobody, not even my own moms, but she at the end of the day was my mother and I couldn't in my heart even try to disrespect the women who gave me life.

Kelly: Find okay win, I will listen

Mama Adrian: Thank you kelly....Now look you did nothing wrong, I know it might seem crazy at the moment , but kacey she will have to understand....

Kelly: But how mom....

I cut it her off trying to hold back my tears...

Kelly: She wont even answer the got damn phone for me mom, I really don't know whats happening to her right now, she could of fled the city or could even be in trouble or god forbids she could be dead right now....I just don't know what to do...she so stubborn

Mama Adrian: Exactly kelly she is stubborn, and this right now is just to much for her at the moment to handle, ....

My mom came to my side and held on to me trying to comfort me. I felt right now just like a hopeless abandon animal trying to find its way. But Even though I felt like this for the moment , my mother sure did give me the most important thing I needed at this time.

Mama Adrian: But I'm sure kelly she will come around because I know for a fact that she really loves you, just like you love her, but for now ,I need you to grow up and step up and be the man I raise you to be, cause either way this go you are raven son father, and you will take care of that child...cause your mama did not raise no dead beat son

Kelly: Yea You are right mom

Mama Adrian: I know I am

She chuckled to herself

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