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"𝗕𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘆", whined the black haired boy, while the said boy just decided to ignore his boyfriend who was whining because he wanted Moony to set aside his newest muggle book and give him cuddles.
"Prongs, moony wouldn't give me my cuddles." while Prongs didn't hear his bestfriend, as he was in his own world. Padfoot kept ranting about how cuddles were necessary for a good day unknown to the fact that Prongs wasn't even listening to him.
Prongs was confused he liked, no loved his flower, Estella Flamel, so why can't he stop glancing at youngest Black brother. Moreover, he liked girls not boys, it was clear he was overthinking the whole thing. So, he just shook his head and decided to listen to his bestfriend's rantings.
Next to him sat their little friend who dozed in and out of sleep, while waiting for the Headmaster to give his speech so that they could finally eat.
This special group of friends called themselves Marauders. They consisted of James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.
Unknown to them a certain Slytherin was glancing at them every now and then. His name was Regulus Black. Sirius Black's younger brother and James Potter's denial crush. He was sitting with his friends Evan Rosier Barty Crouch Jr, Rabastan Lestrange and Severus Snape.
"Will you stop giving gooey eyes to Potter, Regulus ?" exclaimed Evan while scrunching his nose.
"Yeah! it's getting rather annoying watching the same thing every day." Rabastan nodded in agreement.
Regulus blushed in embarrassment," I don't stare at Potter! That's just disgusting Rabastan, he is Sirius's bestfriend for Salazar's sake."
"And a Griffindor no less." Barty decided to jump in the conversation.
"And that!" Regulas pointed out.
"Excuses! Excuses! Regulus it's about time you be true with yourself, I may not like Potter, but even I know that you both would be good together." Severus snapped making everyone jump.
Just as Regulus was about to answer, the doors of the great hall opened abruptly, revealing -


The Potters

The Blacks

The Lestranges

The Malfoys

The Weasleys

The Tonks

The Prewetts

The Minister of Magic

Amelia Bones

Mad-eye Moody

and the rest of the Order of Phoenix

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