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Guys me and the boys will announced something important to all of you -Niall looking to the crowd with a big smile 

Are you guys ready? Liam asking the crowd

Yesssss! the crowd respond

Me & the boys find our love of our life and where so lucky to have them they are such a beautiful and lovely girl-Zayn announced while crying 

I would like to invite our girlfriends on stage-harry said happily 

 The girls go up on stage 

Everybody I would like to introduce to you my girlfriend Stella Watson Liam introducing her while looking at the crowd and holding stella's hand 

Rebecca Salvatore everyone- louis clapping his hands 

I'm so proud to introduce to you my love of life Victoria Williams- Zayn introducing her to the crowd and kiss her in the cheeks

The day I met her is the best day of my life, the time I saw her is the time I feel like I'm in heaven surrounded by angels *Niall look and winks to heaven* let me introduce to you my beloved girlfriend Heaven Smith- Niall hugs and kiss her in the lips

Before I introduced her to all of you I want to remind everyone to treat her better and no one would steal her from me because she's MINE *Harry telling to the crowd* Hailey Smith my girlfriend 

The crowd claps there hand while cheering 

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